Exactly, I was drafted in 1969 and did that before they called me up. Still experienced action off of Vietnam in the Navy but I'm sure it would have been a lot worse being a grunt. B472113 was my service number before the military went to SSN.
Exactly, I was drafted in 1969 and did that before they called me up. Still saw action off of Vietnam in the Navy but I'm sure it would have been a lot worse being a grunt. B472113 was my service number before the military went to SSN.
Exactly, I was drafted in 1969 and did that before they called me up. B472113 was my service number before the military went to SSN.
Exactly, I was drafted in 1969 and did that before they called me up. B472113 was my draft service number before the military went to SSN.
Exactly, I was drafted in 1969 and did that before they called me up. Joined the Navy and experienced heavy action off Vietnam, but it probably would have been a lot worse being a grunt. B472113 was my draft service number before the military went to SSN.