Those Ukrainian "Nazis" are funded by Israel and work for (((Zelensky))).
Ukraine seems to be the "head of the snake" of the Khazarian Jew World Order and I suspect all this nonsense about Nazis is a cover to distract normies from noticing the Ukraine leadership are Jews.
(((They))) don't want you noticing Ukraine is Kazarian Jew HQ!
It's no different to how (((Bill Gates))) attempts to hide being a Maxwell Jew on his mother's side or (((Klaus Schwab))) attempts to hide being a Rothschild Jew on his mother's side or the (((Bush))) family tries to hide being secret Jews named Scherff.
(((They))) can't risk that people will start "noticing things".
Those Ukrainian "Nazis" are funded by Israel and work for (((Zelensky))).
Ukraine seems to be the "head of the snake" of the Khazarian Jew World Order and I suspect all this nonsense about Nazis is a cover to distract normies from noticing the Ukraine leadership are Jews.
(((They))) don't want you noticing Ukraine is Kazarian Jew HQ!
It's no different to how (((Bill Gates))) attempts to hide being a Maxwell Jew on his mother's side or (((Klaus Schwab))) attempts to hide being a Rothschild Jew on his mother's side or the (((Bush))) family tries to hide being secret Jews named Scherff.
(((They))) can't risk that people will start "noticing things".