I really dislike, actually I really hate this "we let this happen", "it is all our fault" attitude that is so pervasive. It comes across in the manner of pure concern trollism. What is happening now is the result from centuries of carefully crafted lies, false flags, maneuverings, threats, blackmailing, and the like. This ludicrous idea that we are all at continual fault takes away ANY responsibility from the cheaters, liars, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, cabal bastards. Frankly, I am weary of this "blame ourselves" mentality. Fine, blame yourself, but don't you dare include others, I have known a lot of people in my life that were warning about the aforementioned garbage of humanity. It is a perfect example of I can explain it, but I can't help you understand it. If I see smoke coming out of a house, and I am yelling at the top of my lungs to call for help from the neighbors and to warn the people inside yet no one comes to help -- when I run into that house and drag out someone coughing from inhalation, I sure as hell am not going to blame myself b/c I couldn't convince anyone to come help me....
Before the "but I would have seen through it" replies start, no you would not have seen through EVERYTHING that has come your way. All of us have been tricked or fooled by the cabal bastards at some point. The sooner you get over that narccistic idea of being "the only enlightened one" the better. Understanding your own faults/weaknesses is the start of wisdom. The question then begs, why didn't you warn anyone or try to get people to see what was happening -- again we all have tried to warn, educate, or explain to others what is going on. We aren't responsible for others actions, we are however responsible for what we do.
For example: The way the Fed and income tax was maneuvered on this country was not in anyway, the fault of the everyday citizen. It was a calculated scheme involving plots, lies, murder, blackmail, and information withholding. Was the Rothschild take over of the Bank of England the fault of the common people? The manipulation of the citizens with the French Revolution? Assassination of the Arch Duke? Hitler's rise to power; yah that was completely organic without any shady assistance to burn down the Reichstag to manipulate people. Something more current Jussie Smollet's fraudulent attack, which just "coincidentally" took place at the same time Corey Booker, and Kamala Dirtbag were pushing an out of nowhere anti-lynching bill, again how is that the everyday citizens fault? What about all of the false flag school shootings, designed to manipulate people into giving away control over their second amendment rights into the hands of bureaucrats...yes, once again those false flags are the fault of the everyday citizen. There are almost countless examples of events that occurred, laws put into place, actions taking place in foreign countries where no one is told of the evils unleashed on those poor souls until it is too late.
On a small scale, town level, yes the "we let this happen" blame can fall squarely on the shoulders of the people. But when you have systems in place to control voting just above the level of your municipality, how again is that the citizens fault or can be blamed on their complacency? When a candidate is running, they have all the proper bona fides, have NEVER done or said anything contrary to their mission statement or public speaking when running for office -- then are turncoats the moment they get into office, b/c they either lied, or were pressured somewhere during the candidacy, again how is that the people's fault? Example: Crenshaw, former SEAL, said all the right things, he came across as a decent guy. Presto, he gets elected and flips. There are people who tell you exactly the shit they plan to do once in office, everyone votes against them, yet they still get elected....now tell me, is that everyone's fault there was fraud involved to insure the win or was it shady forces, no one knew about?
So buckle up and take responsibility for yourself, point out the evils that the actual bad guys do. This isn't V for vendetta, we didn't make this happen. Start local, make your voice heard with eloquence, facts, and maturity. There are many ways to fight back, words are very powerful, but ensure you are not committing seppuku by blaming yourself for the actions of others. The cabal wants your defeat, and if they can get you to defeat yourself, they have won without lifting a finger.
I really dislike, actually I really hate this "we let this happen", "it is all our fault" attitude that is so pervasive. It comes across in the manner of pure concern trollism. What is happening now is the result from centuries of carefully crafted lies, false flags, maneuverings, threats, blackmailing, and the like. This ludicrous idea that we are all at continual fault takes away ANY responsibility from the cheaters, liars, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, cabal bastards. Frankly, I am weary of this "blame ourselves" mentality. Fine, blame yourself, but don't you dare include others, I have known a lot of people in my life that were warning about the aforementioned garbage of humanity. It is a perfect example of I can explain it, but I can't help you understand it. If I see smoke coming out of a house, and I am yelling at the top of my lungs to call for help from the neighbors and to warn the people inside yet no one comes to help help -- when I run into that house and drag out someone coughing from inhalation, I sure as hell am not going to blame myself b/c I couldn't convince anyone to come help me....
Before the "but I would have seen through it" replies start, no you would not have seen through EVERYTHING that has come your way. All of us have been tricked or fooled by the cabal bastards at some point. The sooner you get over that narccistic idea of being "the only enlightened one" the better. Understanding your own faults/weaknesses is the start of wisdom. The question then begs, why didn't you warn anyone or try to get people to see what was happening -- again we all have tried to warn, educate, or explain to others what is going on. We aren't responsible for others actions, we are however responsible for what we do.
For example: The way the Fed and income tax was maneuvered on this country was not in anyway, the fault of the everyday citizen. It was a calculated scheme involving plots, lies, murder, blackmail, and information withholding. Was the Rothschild take over of the Bank of England the fault of the common people? The manipulation of the citizens with the French Revolution? Assassination of the Arch Duke? Hitler's rise to power; yah that was completely organic without any shady assistance to burn down the Reichstag to manipulate people. Something more current Jussie Smollet's fraudulent attack, which just "coincidentally" took place at the same time Corey Booker, and Kamala Dirtbag were pushing an out of nowhere anti-lynching bill, again how is that the everyday citizens fault? What about all of the false flag school shootings, designed to manipulate people into giving away control over their second amendment rights into the hands of bureaucrats...yes, once again those false flags are the fault of the everyday citizen. There are almost countless examples of events that occurred, laws put into place, actions taking place in foreign countries where no one is told of the evils unleashed on those poor souls until it is too late.
On a small scale, town level, yes the "we let this happen" blame can fall squarely on the shoulders of the people. But when you have systems in place to control voting just above the level of your municipality, how again is that the citizens fault or can be blamed on their complacency? When a candidate is running, they have all the proper bona fides, have NEVER done or said anything contrary to their mission statement or public speaking when running for office -- then are turncoats the moment they get into office, b/c they either lied, or were pressured somewhere during the candidacy, again how is that the people's fault? Example: Crenshaw, former SEAL, said all the right things, he came across as a decent guy. Presto, he gets elected and flips. There are people who tell you exactly the shit they plan to do once in office, everyone votes against them, yet they still get elected....now tell me, is that everyone's fault there was fraud involved to insure the win or was it shady forces, no one knew about?
So buckle up and take responsibility for yourself, point out the evils that the actual bad guys do. This isn't V for vendetta, we didn't make this happen. Start local, make your voice heard with eloquence, facts, and maturity. There are many ways to fight back, words are very powerful, but ensure you are not committing seppuku by blaming yourself for the actions of others. The cabal wants your defeat, and if they can get you to defeat yourself, they have won without lifting a finger.