first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of us on to Brown) (timestamp and watch all the way to the end of the clip)
in the next Brown video, Miracles for Sale, is the role Mike Lindell is playing, Lindell is a creation... as a secular faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches pull yourself up by the bootstraps success story, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc...
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
his pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
know you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this picture of the American flag near Gastonia NC and Kings Mountain NC, location of a pivotal Trump Rally on 21 October 2022 (13 Days... 13 Days), the day before the final Trump / Biden skirmish (debate) at Belmont College... all of which you will find deep analysis of in norman's history. the comments on all those elements will change how you understand what is happening at the end of October in 2020.
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of us on to Brown) (timestamp)
in the next Brown video, Miracles for Sale, is the role Mike Lindell is playing, Lindell is a creation... as a secular faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches pull yourself up by the bootstraps success story, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc...
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
his pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
know you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this picture of the American flag near Gastonia NC and Kings Mountain NC, location of a pivotal Trump Rally on 21 October 2022 (13 Days... 13 Days), the day before the final Trump / Biden skirmish (debate) at Belmont College... all of which you will find deep analysis of in norman's history. the comments on all those elements will change how you understand what is happening at the end of October in 2020.
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of us on to Brown) (timestamp)
in the next Brown video, Miracles for Sale, is the role Mike Lindell is playing, Lindell is a creation... as a secular faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches pull yourself up by the bootstraps success story, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc...
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
His pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
Watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
now you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this picture of the American flag near Gastonia NC and Kings Mountain NC, location of a pivotal Trump Rally on 21 October 2022 (13 Days... 13 Days), the day before the final Trump / Biden skirmish (debate) at Belmont College... all of which you will find deep analysis of in norman's history. the comments on all those elements will change how you understand what is happening at the end of October in 2020.
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of us on to Brown) (timestamp)
in the next Brown video, Miracles for Sale, is the role Mike Lindell is playing, Lindell is a creation... as a secular faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches pull yourself up by the bootstraps success story, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc...
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
His pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
Watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
now you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this flag in (8Kun/old) Q drop
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of us on to Brown) (timestamp)
here is the role Mike Lindell is playing... as a faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc.. just sayin. ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
His pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
Watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
now you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this flag in (8Kun/old) Q drop
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of on to Brown) (timestamp)
here is the role Mike Lindell is playing... as a faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc.. just sayin. ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
His pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
Watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
now you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this flag in (8Kun/old) Q drop
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of on to Brown) (timestamp)
here is the role Mike Lindell is playing... as a faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc.. just sayin. ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
His pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
Watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your are in a WWagTheDog III
now you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this flag in (8Kun/old) Q drop
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand