Well he's either realized or is going to realize that upon the second of his death that he has made a serious miscalculation and literally one hell of a mistake when all of the sudden he finds himself wondering why he is wandering around in a huge lake of burning fire while being on fire that's burning his soul up in which he will be driven by an insatiable thirst which will never be quinced that will cause him to be begging everybody and their brother to please provide him with a sip of water for the rest of eternity and he will also spend eternity again begging folks to please somebody dial 911 tell them to hurry the hell up and send the fire department down here come put this shit out drop down a fire extinguisher something damn somebody put this shit out I tried to drop and roll but that shit didn't work rolling around in more flames 🔥 😂 His last realization will be that there is nothing to drink in hell but more fire, hey bartender get me another shot of 🔥 😂 He's going to get his you can believe that 🤣
Well he's either realized or is going to realize that upon the second of his death that he has made a serious miscalculation and literally one hell of a mistake when he all of the sudden he will find himself wondering why he is wandering around in a huge lake of burning fire while being on fire that's burning his soul up in which he will be driven by an insatiable thirst which will never be quinced which will cause him to be begging everybody and their brother to please provide him with a sip of water and he will also spend eternity again begging folks to please somebody dial 911 tell to hurry up and send the fire department down here to come out this shit out drop down a fire extinguisher something damn somebody put this shit out I tried to drop and roll but that shit didn't work rolling around in more fire 🔥 😂 His last realization will be that there is nothing to drink in hell but more fire, hey bartender get me another shot of more 🔥 😂 He's going to get his you can believe that 🤣