Unless I missed it among one of the comments below, I think we need to ask the question: Was Smollett communicating a message out to his handlers with his statement "I'm not suicidal"
His statement was not made in the passion of the moment. He had that precise statement queued up to use for that exact circumstance.
"I'm not suicidal" = "Lunatics Idiom" We all know that an Idiom is an expression that does not reveal the meaning of its usage from its parts"
Could he be signaling his handlers?
Unless I missed it among one of the comments below, I think we need to ask the question: Was Smollett communicating a message out to his handlers with his statement "I'm not suicidal"
His statement was not made in the passion of the moment. He had that precise statement queued up to use for that exact circumstance.
"I'm not suicidal" = "Lunatics Idiom" We all know that an Idiom is an expression that does not reveal is meaning of its usage from its parts"
Could he be signaling his handlers?
Unless I missed it among one of the comments below, I think we need to ask the question: Was Smollett communicating a message out to his handlers with his statement "I'm not suicidal"
His statement was made in the passion of the moment. He had that precise statement queued up to use for that exact circumstance.
"I'm not suicidal" = "Lunatics Idiom" We all know that an Idiom is an expression that does not reveal is meaning of its usage from its parts"
Could he be signaling his handlers?