Jets were too fast. I mean fighters are fast as all shit. But they were easily Mach 2 plus and so low to the ground.
Anyone who’s seen a sonic boom demo, which I guess is probably not many actually, should know that at their speed in the video you wouldn’t hear them. IRL, they still move quick to break the sound barrier but still visually is not that fast looking, followed by the boom afterwards.
Rambling here. Carry on.
edit: yes I know it’s fake. Just critiquing the production lol
Jets were too fast. I mean fighters are fast as all shit. But they were easily Mach 2 plus and so low to the ground.
Anyone who’s seen a sonic boom demo, which I guess is probably not many actually. At their speed in the video you wouldn’t hear them, but still visually is not that fast looking, followed by the boom afterwards.
Rambling here. Carry on.
edit: yes I know it’s fake. Just critiquing the production lol
Jets were too fast. I mean fighters are fast as all shit. But they were easily Mach 2 plus and so low to the ground.
Anyone who’s seen a sonic boom demo, which I guess is probably not many actually. At their speed in the video you wouldn’t hear them, but still visually is not that fast looking, followed by the boom afterwards.
Rambling here. Carry on.