'Had a several-year bout with unusually dry, gritty, itchy eyes (Blepharitis?) (contacts became too problematic to wear). Tried Omegas and got some relief. Rosacea and acne also started to appear. Read about demodex. Tried Chang Sheng soap (would sometimes just let the lather dry rather than rinsing off immediately). Rosacea and acne gone for over 5 years. Still take Omegas along with usual vitamins and supplements. Life is good.
Note: I'm not a doctor, so your mileage may vary.
(apologies for duckduckgo link as its CEO gas said they down rank "certain" topics) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22dry+eye%22+%22demodex%22&ia=web
(Can't find it but also saw Ivermectin mentioned in one of the articles - surprise, surprise.)
'Had a several-year bout with unusually dry, gritty, itchy eyes (Blepharitis?) (contacts became too problematic to wear). Tried Omegas and got some relief. Rosacea and acne also started to appear. Read about demodex. Tried Chang Sheng soap (would sometimes just let the lather dry rather than rinsing off immediately). Rosacea and acne gone. Still take Omegas along with usual vitamins and supplements. Life is good.
Note: I'm not a doctor, so your mileage may vary.
(apologies for duckduckgo link as its CEO gas said they down rank "certain" topics) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22dry+eye%22+%22demodex%22&ia=web
(Can't find it but also saw Ivermectin mentioned in one of the articles - surprise, surprise.)