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Reason: None provided.

If there was any misdirection going on that would have been on your end with me maintaining focus on the crux of the matter.

If I were to do my best to isolate the issue with Xi (we shouldn't, but since that's the proposal) I would focus on how Xi's leadership position is incompatible with a potential white-hat ops. Chinese ideology will need to be referenced for this however.

One thing to keep in mind is how crucial the Han Chinese viewpoint of being the 'central race' of the world and are the rightful rulers to lord over and enlighten all the other 'savages' races of the world is to their ego. To the point that it was through that ideology they were able to maintain their unity despite several dynasties of being ruled over by said 'savages'.

Now comes Xi, the de-facto lifetime dictator of the CCP. This was achieved through various methods such as virtually disabling the collective governance within the CCP party, rewriting of the constitution and duplicite use of Anti-secssions laws + Anti-corruption initiative. Duplicity of such is nothing new in mainland China but the finesse displayed by Xi is on a new level and a point of concern for being part of a potential secretive "disinformation is necessary" white-hat ops against a powerful also-secretive wealthy oponent know for making offers one can't refuse.

But anyway, such a warpath would obviously make a lot of enemies but this is not a huge issue as long as Xi can maintain the promise (or at least the image of) of exalting China to it's rightful position on the center of the world stage.

Externally this will be shown through economic domination and imperialistic expansion. Internally, this image will be maintained through idolization and severe censorship. This is where another conflict of interest occures with a potential white-hat op.

One of the methods used to idolize Xi is to put him on the same pedestal as Mao. This would be akin, no, more extreme than putting oneself toe-to-toe with Marx in commie-world. This is a very bold move to take within the CCP ideology and makes it VERY difficult for Xi to show even the slightest deviation from Chinese ideology. (consider CCP ideology an offshoot of Chinese ideology)

So according to the 'white-hat Xi' theory, the atrocities commited by the CCP is on the blackhat CCP and Xi's whitehat CCP is trying to remove them. That means a whitehat ops would entail an internal cleanup within the CCP.

How would this look in the viewpoint of Chinese ideology? I ask because nothing short of a scenario where 'God-emperor Xi along with his lackies Putin and Trump eradicates a particularly vile breed of savages and their Chinese co-conspirators' will justify a leader of Xi's ideological position to co-op such a widescale cleanup with 'western savages'.

Claiming 'the blackhats were the first to work with the savages' will be difficult since Chinese ideolgy is centered on the here and now with the added difficulty of defying the legacy of the CCP ideology all the while Xi has already placed himself alongside Mao.

Hiding the details from the general public and justifying the cleanup through the usual means such as 'heavenly mandate' can't be a solution either since the general public isn't as important as the leadership positions within China, and since they are also part of the Chinese ideology their knowledge of the white-hat ops would put Xi's position at odds with Chinese ideology.

So add this conflict of interest to Xi's leadership with the pile of cabal initiatives of the CCP and the general implications of Chinese ideology, I can't help but to scoff at the gushing over the idea of a 'white-hat Xi triple teamup'.

THAT SAID, I'm not completely discarding the possibility that the idea or at least some part of is it true through some information unkown to all that can completely turn the entire situation over its head. But that is extremely unlikely.

Given the information currently at hand + observable nature throughout Chinese history, I question the worth of giving an idea(that requires so much logical leaps) as much weight as it is currently getting.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

If there was any misdirection going on that would have been on your end with me maintaining focus on the crux of the matter.

If I were to do my best to isolate the issue with Xi (we shouldn't, but since that's the proposal) I would focus on how Xi's leadership position is incompatible with a potential white-hat ops. Chinese ideology will need to be referenced for this however.

One thing to always keep in mind is how crucial the Han Chinese viewpoint of being the 'central race' of the world and are the rightful rulers to lord over and enlighten all the other 'savages' races of the world is to their ego. To the point that it was through that ideology they were able to maintain their unity despite several dynasties of being ruled over by said 'savages'.

Now comes Xi, the de-facto lifetime dictator of the CCP. This was achieved through various methods such as virtually disabling the collective governance within the CCP party, rewriting of the constitution and duplicite use of Anti-secssions laws + Anti-corruption initiative. Duplicity of such is nothing new in mainland China but the finesse displayed by Xi is on a new level and a point of concern for being part of a potential secretive "disinformation is necessary" white-hat ops against a powerful also-secretive wealthy oponent know for making offers one can't refuse.

But anyway, such a warpath would obviously make a lot of enemies but this is not a huge issue as long as Xi can maintain the promise (or at least the image of) of exalting China to it's rightful position on the center of the world stage. Externally this will be shown through economic domination and imperialistic expansion. Internally, this image will be maintained through idolization and severe censorship. This is where another conflict of interest occures with a potential white-hat op.

One of the methods used to idolize Xi is to put him on the same pedestal as Mao. This would be akin, no, more extreme than putting oneself toe-to-toe with Marx in commie-world. This is a very bold move to take within the CCP ideology and makes it VERY difficult for Xi to show even the slightest deviation from Chinese ideology. (consider CCP ideology an offshoot of Chinese ideology)

So according to the 'white-hat Xi' theory, the atrocities commited by the CCP is on the blackhat CCP and Xi's whitehat CCP is trying to remove them. So a whitehat ops would entail an internal cleanup within the CCP. How would this look in the vieewpoint of Chinese ideology? I ask because nothing short of a scenario where 'God-emperor Xi along with his lackies Putin and Trump eradicates a particularly vile breed of savages and their Chinese co-conspirators' will justify a leader of Xi's ideological position to co-opsuch a widescale cleanup with 'western savages'.

Claiming 'the blackhats were the first to work with the savages' will be difficult since Chinese ideolgy is centered on the here and now with the added difficulty of defying the legacy of the CCP ideology all the while Xi has already placed himself alongside Mao.

Hiding the details from the general public and justifying the cleanup through the usual means such as 'heavenly mandate' can't be a solution either since the general public isn't as important as the leadership positions within China, and since they are also part of the Chinese ideology their knowledge of the white-hat ops would put Xi's position at odds with Chinese ideology.

So add this conflict of interest with Xi's leadership with the pile of cabal initiatives of the CCP and the general implications of Chinese ideology, I can't help but to scoff at the gushing over the idea of a 'white-hat Xi triple teamup'.

THAT SAID, I'm not completely discarding the possibility that the idea or at least some part of is it true through some information unkown to all that can completely turn the entire situation over its head.

But that is extremely unlikely. Given the information currently at hand + observable nature throughout Chinese history, I question the worth of giving an idea(that requires so much logical leaps) as much weight as it is currently getting.

2 years ago
1 score