people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the white race with vaccine-AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the world's mainstream news media (mostly through the Associated Press), social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and who controls Antifa and BLM domestic terrorists through the Open Society Foundations and you'll discover it's the same tribe.
Have you noticed the Ukrainian (a.k.a the head of the New World Order snake) Coat of Arms is literally the Khazarian Jewish Tamga? Have you noticed those Khazarian Jews are being funded and offered weapons of mass destruction by Israel? So many coincidences...
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the white race with vaccine-AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the world's mainstream news media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and who controls Antifa and BLM domestic terrorists through the Open Society Foundations and you'll discover it's the same tribe.
Have you noticed the Ukrainian (a.k.a the head of the New World Order snake) Coat of Arms is literally the Khazarian Jewish Tamga? Have you noticed those Khazarian Jews are being funded and offered weapons of mass destruction by Israel? So many coincidences...
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the white race with vaccine-AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the world's mainstream news media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and who controls Antifa and BLM domestic terrorists through the Open Society Foundations and you'll discover it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the white race with vaccine-AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the world's mainstream news media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and you'll notice it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the human race with vaccine-AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the world's mainstream news media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and you'll notice it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the human race with vaccine-AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the mainstream media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and you'll notice it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ, love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the human race with vaccine AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the mainstream media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and you'll notice it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ and love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the human race with vaccine AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct about the information war: research who dominates almost total control over the mainstream media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and you'll notice it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ and love hurting children and love shekels.
She doesn't realize who injected half the human race with vaccine AIDS. Do a little research on the CEOs of Pfizer, J&J, Moderna, 80% of the Democrat Party leadership and the two Israeli CEOs of the CDC and you'll start noticing which tribe they all belong to.
She is correct that this is an information war: research who dominates almost total control over the mainstream media, social media, internet, academia, banks and medical institutions and you'll notice it's the same tribe.
people wouldn't be dying left and right
She underestimates the enemy.
The enemy hates us almost as much as they hate Jesus Christ and love hurting children and love shekels.