Weaponized autism, fren. We were all there in the late 2000's/2010's, having a hoot on 4chan. I still remember all of the online raids, and the red-pill carpet-bombings— being on the livestreams when GEOTUS got elected. I personally scared away a bunch of glowies from the chats, by pointing out all their bullshit. I remember one really belligerent one, who was trying to smear Christians. I ended up making him leave the chat, with his tail tucked between his legs, while everyone replied: "DEUS VULT!"
I remember feeling so alone in this world— past 2016, that literally the only thing that could put a smile on my face was a well-timed shitpost from a kindred-spirit, a thousand miles away. It's how I found God: I literally became so isolated from everything and everyone, that the only IRL friend I had left was Jesus.
I just want to live a normal life. Is that really too much to ask?
Weaponized autism, fren. We were all there in the late 2000's/2010's, having a hoot on 4chan. I still remember being on the livestreams when GEOTUS got elected. I remember feeling so alone in this world, that literally the only thing that could put a smile on my face was a well-timed shitpost from a kindred-spirit, a thousand miles away. It's how I found God: I literally became so isolated from everything, that the only IRL friend I had left was Jesus.
I just want to live a normal life. Is that really too much to ask?