#1-Will we ever hear any of the lying MSM commentators ever say, Sorry, we were wrong or We lied under the direction of the News directors?” Doubtful. #3-A country which has no morals, is not worth having. I do not believe this governor represents the true beliefs of the majority, no matter how liberal the views in Washington. If we are going to kill babies after birth, why bother to prosecute anyone for murder? Why not give a free pass to those who beat or throw small children out of frustration that they won’t stop crying? Or mother’s who drown their children because they are “overwhelmed“? #6-Children today have to face enough with bullying. Why add to it the fact they don’t have a mother, but 2 gay parents? I think that using a surrogate is a selfish decision. One must think first about the psychological impact on the children, rather than an adult’s desires. Same holds true with divorce or having children out of wedlock with multiple sexual partners. Is it any wonder kids are screwed up when the adults/parents put themselves first? #9-Trump NEVER backs down. He calls it as he sees it and is proved correct in the long term. He cares not how outrageous it sounds at the time! May he never change! #12-Will a real reporter ask Nancy who paid for the luncheon and performance by River Dance? If as I suspect it is the taxpayers, I want to be reimbursed. We do not authorize entertainment, frivolous luncheons (probably with alcohol), nor 21% self voted pay hikes. (Most employers give a paltry 3%, which doesn’t even keep pac with inflation. And you will be happy!). #13-Can we please disband a Congress now. Their decisions, plans, suggestions are like addicts on crack. They spend and spend some more, while the printing press prints more money. We are the ones who have to balance our budget, while they spend frivolously without deliberation, knowing what is in the bills, or without regard to ever paying the piper. #14-Can AOC show any proof of what the Native American woman is saying? We all know you can say anything to fit the narrative, but without proof it is meaningless. I think this is just another attempt ny the climate change activists to block drilling. Where is AOC’s outrage re. human trafficking, torture and pedophilia which is obviously more rampant than what she is attributing to the oil industry? I am not downplaying that this may be occurring, but I feel it is not as large a problem as the aforementioned. #15-The parents and legal voters need to stand up in outrage against teachers, principals, teachers’ unions, school superintendents, school boards, mayors and governors who support, promote and reinforce mask mandates. They need to demand peer reviewed science that addresses the efficacy of masks. They need to say they will not as a group send their children to school to be abused by these groups, until the mandates are dropped. #19&37-People better be prepared to resist further lockdowns, mask mandates, shot demands and mandates by Biden, Fauci, and the government. Be prepared to resist testing and masking demanded by health care professionals and others. Hit them in the pocketbook, where it hurts. Refuse to wear masks to doctors’ appointments and leave if THEY will not comply with the demands of you the consumer. Better be prepared to resist vaccine passport too. This is the prelude to control where you travel or if you can travel, grocery shop, buy gas, stay at a hotel. This is more than proof of vaccination. #27 and #28-Certain segments of this country have become depraved. Hospitals need to stop promoting gender reassignment, as do schools. Congress needs to deny confirmation of Biden’s SC justice pick based on her leniency towards pedophilia perpetrators. Until we return to a more moral outlook, this country is doomed. #30-Perhaps we should ask the Ukranian people what they want instead of the U.S. telling them what they want and picking their leader. We have enough domestic problems without telling all countries how to run their own governments. We also need to remove all remaining bio labs throughout the world. If they are needed, they should be controlled within our own borders where there should be better oversight. But isn’t that really why they are spread throughout the world-no oversight? #46-Anyone who has entered the U.S. illegally and is caught, must be put into the system and never allowed to become a citizen. Immediate deportation. No attorney to represent them-paid at taxpayer expense. They entered illegally. It is a crime. Crimes must not be rewarded. No access to free education, jobs, housing, food, health care or citizenship to anchor babies.
A tribute to Ashland: I can not believe the amount of time you put in to summarizing the articles in the news daily. Thank you!
#1-Will we ever hear any of the lying MSM commentators ever say, Sorry, we were wrong or We lied under the direction of the News directors?” Doubtful. #3-A country which has no morals, is not worth having. I do not believe this governor represents the true beliefs of the majority, no matter how liberal the views in Washington. If we are going to kill babies after birth, why bother to prosecute anyone for murder? Why not give a free pass to those who beat or throw small children out of frustration that they won’t stop crying? Or mother’s who drown their children because they are “overwhelmed“? #6-Children today have to face enough with bullying. Why add to it the fact they don’t have a mother, but 2 gay parents? I think that using a surrogate is a selfish decision. One must think first about the psychological impact on the children, rather than an adult’s desires. Same holds true with divorce or having children out of wedlock with multiple sexual partners. Is it any wonder kids are screwed up when the adults/parents put themselves first? #9-Trump NEVER backs down. He calls it as he sees it and is proved correct in the long term. He cares not how outrageous it sounds at the time! May he never change! #12-Will a real reporter ask Nancy who paid for the luncheon and performance by River Dance? If as I suspect it is the taxpayers, I want to be reimbursed. We do not authorize entertainment, frivolous luncheons (probably with alcohol), nor 21% self voted pay hikes. (Most employers give a paltry 3%, which doesn’t even keep pac with inflation. And you will be happy!). #13-Can we please disband a Congress now. Their decisions, plans, suggestions are like addicts on crack. They spend and spend some more, while the printing press prints more money. We are the ones who have to balance our budget, while they spend frivolously without deliberation, knowing what is in the bills, or without regard to ever paying the piper. #14-Can AOC show any proof of what the Native American woman is saying? We all know you can say anything to fit the narrative, but without proof it is meaningless. I think this is just another attempt ny the climate change activists to block drilling. Where is AOC’s outrage re. human trafficking, torture and pedophilia which is obviously more rampant than what she is attributing to the oil industry? I am not downplaying that this may be occurring, but I feel it is not as large a problem as the aforementioned. #15-The parents and legal voters need to stand up in outrage against teachers, principals, teachers’ unions, school superintendents, school boards, mayors and governors who support, promote and reinforce mask mandates. They need to demand peer reviewed science that addresses the efficacy of masks. They need to say they will not as a group send their children to school to be abused by these groups, until the mandates are dropped. #19&37-People better be prepared to resist further lockdowns, mask mandates, shot demands and mandates by Biden, Fauci, and the government. Be prepared to resist testing and masking demanded by health care professionals and others. Hit them in the pocketbook, where it hurts. Refuse to wear masks to doctors’ appointments and leave if THEY will not comply with the demands of you the consumer. Better be prepared to resist vaccine passport too. This is the prelude to control where you travel or if you can travel, grocery shop, buy gas, stay at a hotel. This is more than proof of vaccination. #27 and #28-Certain segments of this country have become depraved. Hospitals need to stop promoting gender reassignment, as do schools. Congress needs to deny confirmation of Biden’s SC justice pick based on her leniency towards pedophilia perpetrators. Until we return to a more moral outlook, this country is doomed. #30-Perhaps we should ask the Ukranian people what they want instead of the U.S. telling them what they want and picking their leader. We have enough domestic problems without telling all countries how to run their own governments. We also need to remove all remaining bio labs throughout the world. If they are needed, they should be controlled within our own borders where there should be better oversight. But isn’t that really why they are spread throughout the world-no oversight? #46-Anyone who has entered the U.S. illegally and is caught, must be put into the system and never allowed to become a citizen. Immediate deportation. No attorney to represent them-paid at taxpayer expense. They entered illegally. It is a crime. Crimes must not be rewarded. No access to free education, jobs, housing, food, health care or citizenship to anchor babies.
#1-Will we ever hear any of the lying MSM commentators ever say, Sorry, we were wrong or We lied under the direction of the News directors?” Doubtful. #3-A country which has no morals, is not worth having. I do not believe this governor represents the true beliefs of the majority, no matter how liberal the views in Washington. If we are going to kill babies after birth, why bother to prosecute anyone for murder? Why not give a free pass to those who beat or throw small children out of frustration that they won’t stop crying? Or mother’s who drown their children because they are “overwhelmed“? #6-Children today have to face enough with bullying. Why add to it the fact they don’t have a mother, but 2 gay parents? I think that using a surrogate is a selfish decision. One must think first about the psychological impact on the children, rather than an adult’s desires. Same holds true with divorce or having children out of wedlock with multiple sexual partners. Is it any wonder kids are screwed up when the adults/parents put themselves first? #9-Trump NEVER backs down. He calls it as he sees it and is proved correct in the long term. He cares not how outrageous it sounds at the time! May he never change! #12-Will a real reporter ask Nancy who paid for the luncheon and performance by River Dance? If as I suspect it is the taxpayers, I want to be reimbursed. We do not authorize entertainment, frivolous luncheons (probably with alcohol), nor 21% self voted pay hikes. (Most employers give a paltry 3%, which doesn’t even keep pac with inflation. And you will be happy!). #13-Can we please disband a Congress now. Their decisions, plans, suggestions are like addicts on crack. They spend and spend some more, while the printing press prints more money. We are the ones who have to balance our budget, while they spend frivolously without deliberation, knowing what is in the bills, or without regard to ever paying the piper.