though I find it better not to engage with zel, I leave that to the man with the patience of a saint.
Ding, ding, ding. Exactly. Zei will literally chase all your comments in your history like it's his goddamn job. It's sad, but fun to play with.
though I find it better not to engage with zel, I leave that to the man with the patience of a saint.
Ding, ding, ding. Exactly. Zei will literally chase all your comments in your history like it's his goddamn job. It's sad, but fun to play with.
though I find it better not to engage with zel, I leave that to the man with the patience of a saint.
Ding, ding, ding. Exactly. Zei will literally chase all your comments in your history like it's his goddamn job. I'm sorry Zei, but the internet is just not that important, I don't care how retired you are. It's funny to watch though.