Russia knows this is nothing more than PR. The former Soviet Union negotiated with the West that the former Warsaw Pact members would be neutral. The West agreed to this, but they lied. All of the former European Warsaw Pact governments broke the agreement and joined NATO except for Belarus and Ukraine. Because of the high percentage of Russians living in Ukraine and Moscow being Ukraine's number one trading partner, there was a balance and its neutrality was basically the default. It wasn't until the success of a Soros-Nuland-enabled coup d'etat in 2014 that this balance of neutrality was destroyed. Ever since, Ukrainians have been pitted against its Russian-speaking population. The Soros-Nuland controlled Ukrainian government has since wanted to become part of NATO except Germany has vetoed Ukraine from joining NATO.
The UkroNazi government knows Russia will not allow them to become of NATO, so Russia has negotiated the Minsk Agreement to continue Ukraine's neutrality and to provide the Donbass population with guarantees of human Rights and austerity. Kiev signed this Agreement. However, it was a ruse and deception to "buy time" to build up its military and to entrench their military in the Donbass for a future military assault and genocide of the Russian speaking people living in the Donbass. Outside of the Donbass, the Kiev government banned the Russian language in all of the oblasts. This would be like Denmark banning the Norwegian language in Denmark. There are differences, but the Russian and Ukrainian language are closely related. Putin knows the plight of Russian speakers in Ukraine and was patient for 8 years, but learned that the UkroNazis were planning to imminently invade the Donbass and to genocide the Russian speaking people living there. Russia pre-empted Kiev's plan and has made a military incursion (police action) into Ukraine.
Russia's current negotiation with Ukraine is nothing more than theater for a political narrative for the public. Ukraine's government will fall and the UkroNazis will be destroyed. There is no other option. To follow this course of negotiation would otherwise be nothing more than another Minsk Agreement. The backlash of joining NATO would soon be on the table again. It would allow Kiev to secretly receive Western military support. Russia's trouble would be worse than ever.
Russia knows this is nothing more than PR. Russia negotiated with the West that the former Warsaw Pact members would be neutral. The West agreed to this, but they lied. All of the former European Warsaw Pact governments broke the agreement and joined NATO except for Belarus and Ukraine. Because of the high percentage of Russians living in Ukraine and Russia being their number one trading partner, there was a balance and neutrality was basically the default. It wasn't until the success of a Soros-Nuland-enabled coup d'etat in 2014 that this balance of neutrality was destroyed. Ever since, Ukrainians have been pitted against its Russian population. The Soros-Nuland controlled Ukrainian government has since wanted to become part of NATO except Germany has vetoed Ukraine from joining NATO.
The UkroNazi government knows Russia will not allow them to become of NATO, so Russia has negotiated the Minsk Agreement to continue Ukraine's neutrality and to provide the Donbass population with guarantees of human Rights and austerity. Kiev signed this Agreement. However, it was a ruse and deception to "buy time" to build up its military and to entrench their military in the Donbass for a future military assault and genocide of the Russian speaking people living in the Donbass. Outside of the Donbass, the Kiev government banned the Russian language in all of the oblasts. Putin knows this and was patient for 8 years, but learned that the UkroNazis were planning to invade the Donbass and to genocide the Russian speaking people living there. Russia pre-empted Kiev's plan and has made a military incursion (police action) into Ukraine.
Russia's current negotiation with Ukraine is nothing more than theater for a political narrative for the public. Ukraine's government will fall and the UkroNazis will be destroyed. There is no other option. To follow this course of negotiation would otherwise be nothing more than another Minsk Agreement. The backlash of joining NATO would soon be on the table again. It would allow Kiev to secretly receive Western military support. Russia's trouble would be worse than ever.