Yes, I picked up on that as well. As a writer, I study people, their expressions, body language, tone of voice, etc. to make my characters sound real. I sensed the daughter was irritated with her mom. Like they've had conversations like this before where her mom is oblivious to the fact that her daughter is clearly an intelligent, goal-oriented person. She's an Air Force Colonel, for Pete's sake! Lol
Just my take. I could be wrong. But people are FASCINATING!
Yes, I picked up on that as well. As a writer, I study people, their expressions, body language, tone of voice, etc. to make my characters sound real. I sensed the daughter was irritated with her mom. Like they've had conversations like this before where her mom is oblivious to the fact that her daughter is clearly an intelligent, goal-oriented person.
Just my take. I could be wrong. But people are FASCINATING!