Reports from other sailors are they could taste it after a month or so. Like a green mango they said. I equate green mango to turpentine. They still ate the eggs and were fine, but cruisers tend have pretty robust metabolisms. I'll add that turpentine was ivermectin when I was a kid, so I know what it tastes like. Mineral oil otoh has no taste so idk how to figger that.
Reports from other sailors are they could taste it after a month or so. Like a green mango they said. I equate green mango to turpentine. They still ate the eggs and were fine, but cruisers tend have pretty robust metabolisms. I'll add that turpentine was ivermectin when I was a kid, so I know what it tastes like.
Reports from other sailors are they could taste it after a month or so. Like a green mango they said. I equate green mango to turpentine. They still ate the eggs and were fine, but cruisers tend have pretty robust metabolisms.