Call him and visit him and have a coffee with him. Even if you need to travel across the country to spend 30 minutes with him. Allow him to be angry at you and strike you with his words and BRIEFLY tell him how hurt it makes you feel AFTER he's calmed down. Let him know you love him. Don't allow time to make you strangers. It'll be the worst mistake you've ever made because you will grow apart.
Ask him what he's been doing. Discuss his work and his life and his dreams.
If he hurts you then try to understand why and let him know how you feel.
This isn't about you.
You are an adult and he is finding his way. I guarantee you made mistakes because we all do. Take those lumps and move on. Be there for him even if it hurts. It's far better than the alternative.
Call him and visit him and have a coffee with him. Even if you need to travel across the country to spend 30 minutes with him. Allow him to be angry at you and strike you with his words and BRIEFLY tell him how hurt it makes you feel AFTER he's calmed down. Let him know you love him. Don't allow time to make you strangers. It'll be the worst mistake you've ever made because you will grow apart.
Ask him what he's been doing. Discuss his work and his life and his dreams.
If he hurts you then try to understand why and let him know how you feel.
This isn't about you.
You are an adult and he is finding his way. Be there for him even if it hurts. It's far better than the alternative.
Call him and visit him and have a coffee with him. Even if you need to travel across the country to spend 30 minutes with him. Allow him to be angry at you and strike you with his words and then tell him how hurt it makes you feel. Let him know you love him. Don't allow time to make you strangers. It'll be the worst mistake you've ever made because you will grow apart.
Ask him what he's been doing. Discuss his work and his life and his dreams.
If he hurts you then try to understand why and let him know how you feel.
This isn't about you.
You are an adult and he is finding his way. Be there for him even if it's difficult. It's far better than the alternative.