Perhaps what this person means is to just stealth release all they can, when they can, without all of the carrot dangling.
I remember quite well, back in 2020, when it all first came to light, plenty of posts and articles saying that "IT IS OVER!!!!!!", about it, yet here we are.
So I can certainly understand the sentiment of haste, when yet another post saying salvation and the end are just around the corner, is made.
Perhaps what this person means is to just stealth release all they can, when they can, without all of the carrot dangling.
I remember quite well, back in 2020, when it all first came to light, plenty of posts and articles saying that "IT IS OVER!!!!!!", about it, yet here we are.
So I can certainly understand the sentiment of haste when yet another post saying salvation and the end are just around the corner, is made.