You couldn't be more wrong.
Big government / socialism / communism isn't the answer.
It's people like you who are the problem because you have a never ending supply of impotent excuses about why you shouldn't be responsible for protecting yourself or your family.
"It's too hard", "there too much paperwork to get a gun", "I don't feel like it", "I don't want to", "why can't someone else do it for me", "I'm too weak and too scared to do anything so other people should solve this problem"
People like you need to conceal carry and the problem would be solved almost overnight.
That is the solution no matter how much you scream and cry and insist you are helpless and too weak to defend your family.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Big government / socialism / communism isn't the answer.
It's people like you who are the problem because you have a never ending supply of impotent excuses about why you shouldn't be responsible for protecting your yourself and your family.
"It's too hard", "there too much paperwork to get a gun", "I don't feel like it", "I don't want to", "why can't someone else do it for me", "I'm too weak and too scared to do anything so other people should solve this problem"
People like you need to conceal carry and the problem would be solved almost overnight.
That is the solution no matter how much you scream and cry and insist you are helpless and too weak to defend your family.