We should run with it. You personally should seek out a female gynecologist and and make her totally familiar with your fabulous ManGina.
or attack her on social media for being a bigot. Nazi slag!
Edit:- unless you are female in which case you should seek treatment for erectile dysfunction also from a female doctor. (doctor in this case revised from male to female cause 5D chess)
We should run with it. You personally should seek out a female gynecologist and and make her totally familiar with your fabulous ManGina.
or attack her on social media for being a bigot. Nazi slag!
Edit:- (unless you are female in which case you should seek treatment for erectile dysfunction from a male doctor.)
We should run with it. You personally should seek out a female gynecologist and and make her totally familiar with your fabulous ManGina. (unless you are female in which case you should seek treatment for erectile dysfunction from a male doctor.)
or attack her on social media for being a bigot. Nazi slag!