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You poor deluded soul... you would really benefit to read less neoconfederate, Lost Cause propaganda. First, let's reflect on what Q has said regarding slavery, Democrats, the failed1860 rebellion, and rise of both Jim Crow and Lost Cause BULLSHIT:

D’s can’t lose control over the black population. At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need. D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves. D’s formed the KKK. Q Post 9

How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation? What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop? Q Post 19

What party formed the KKK? - Democrats What party formed the Confederacy? - Democrats What party abolished slavery? - Republicans Why are D’s attempting to erase history? Q Post 122

Use corporate DNC media [MSM] push con Use 1, 2, 3 and 4 to drive echo-chamber false [idiotic] narrative bad [pro slavery][D]s switched to [R] party and good [anti-slavery][R]s switched to [D] party. Welcome to the [D] party. Q Post 4317 Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]? Knowing the past helps to understand the present. Welcome to the [D] party con. Q Post 4458

Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. The Flag was carried by Union Soldiers during the Civil War in a fight to abolish slavery [v Confederate Democrats]. The Flag of Lincoln. Q Post 4469

Fren, you've been conned by Dems and SoUtHerN HeRiTagE retards.

The yankees came to the South [and were] monsters.

The USA can't "invade" the USA. Duly called up and deployed federal troops quashed a rebellion by all means necessary. They weren't all yankees (New Englanders). In fact, the vast majority of Union troops came from NY, PA and the "midwest" states of OH, WI, IN, IL. Fun piece of trivia, EVERY state but one (SC) sent troops to suppress the rebellion. If you're going to talk about atrocities, perhaps we could discuss Andersonville, Ft. Pillow or the terrorism/kidnapping before Gettysburg?

Yankee businessmen were pissed...

Ah, the bullshit "derrr it was EcOnoMiCs" argument? Slave states immorally used free slave labor. Much honor. So proud. They grew mostly cash crops and shipped them off to European markets for more profit than to sell to Americans. Yes, the tariff was in part, an issue, most specifically during the Nullification Crisis (SC fireeaters' test run for the 1860 rebellion). But why did the tariff matter? Because of the impact on the SLAVE-based economy...

In actuality, most Southerners never owned slaves.

Strawman. A non-slave owning white still considered himself superior to the free black and to the enslaved black. They fought to defend a class system that ensured their higher place, aloof to the utter insanity that the reason why they were poor was because the elite plantation class could use slave labor. Derp.

The Constitution limits the powers of the federal government to a very few things.


Everything else, absolutely everything else, is to be left to the states and individual people. Slavery was one of those things that was the right of the individual states to decide on.

Not exactly the case. The Constitution granted Congress the power to ban the international slave trade as soon as 1800 (which it immediately did, signed into law by Jefferson). Constitution also granted the federal government EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction over territories. And what did that first Congress do? Banned slavery from the Northwest Territories. Congress always had the power to ban slavery in the territory added by the Louisiana purchase and the [illegal] Mexican war. But the slave faction powers were strong, hence why we ended up with laws like the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the bullshit Kansas-Nebraska Act. Congress banned the slave trade in DC, since it had original jurisdiction over the capitol. It was even up to the FEDERAL government to enforce the so-called "fugitive slave" (Constitution didn't use the term "slavery" until the Amendment that abolished it) clause, via the eventual Fugitive Slave Act. No state actors had any authority to go into free states and illegally kidnap any old black person, without due process, in violation of state laws.

Individual northern states had decided to stop slavery. Individual Southern states would also have stopped slavery by the 1880s because of the economics.

Yes, northern states abolished slavery. The southern states were on pace to enact gradual emancipation and abolition, UNTIL the cotton gin made cotton production profitable again. And guess what? The slave population INCREASED from that point on. US census data indicates that the slave population continued to increase parabolically every decade from 1790 to 1860. In 1800, there were about 900k slaves in the US. Slave owners realized it was actually cheaper to breed more slaves than import them. Within 30 years, the slave population more than doubled to 2 million. By 1850 it was 3.2 million and by 1860 nearly 4 million. In those last 10 years before the rebellion, that 700k jump was the largest single percentage increase in US history. NC and VA had come close to enacted gradual emancipation laws as late as 1859. This is actually one of the reasons why the fireeating faggots in the deep south states (SC, GA, MS, AL) sped up their rebellion plan. If they hadn't fired on Ft. Sumter and forced Lincoln to take military action, they'd have not gotten NC, VA, TN or AR onboard with their treachery.

There was no Constitutional purpose in invading the South

Again, the USA can't invade itself. The Constitution authorizes POTUS to suppress rebellions and insurrections, wherever in the USA that they might exist. Lincoln utilized the Militia Acts to that end.

General Sherman was fully intending to commit genocide

Yup. You done gone full retard.

If you truly desire a real education, to attain truthful knowledge of history, here are some good places to start:

For when you have more time for easy reading, you can start with the following...

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

You poor deluded soul... you would really benefit to read less neoconfederate, Lost Cause propaganda. First, let's reflect on what Q has said regarding slavery, Democrats, the failed1860 rebellion, and rise of both Jim Crow and Lost Cause BULLSHIT:

D’s can’t lose control over the black population. At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need. D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves. D’s formed the KKK. Q Post 9

How do D’s cover the historical facts of forming the confederacy, KKK, and oppose all things pro black re: legislation? What happens if D’s lose the slave grip on the black pop? Q Post 19

What party formed the KKK? - Democrats What party formed the Confederacy? - Democrats What party abolished slavery? - Republicans Why are D’s attempting to erase history? Q Post 122

Use corporate DNC media [MSM] push con Use 1, 2, 3 and 4 to drive echo-chamber false [idiotic] narrative bad [pro slavery][D]s switched to [R] party and good [anti-slavery][R]s switched to [D] party. Welcome to the [D] party. Q Post 4317 Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]? Knowing the past helps to understand the present. Welcome to the [D] party con. Q Post 4458

Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. The Flag was carried by Union Soldiers during the Civil War in a fight to abolish slavery [v Confederate Democrats]. The Flag of Lincoln. Q Post 4469

Fren, you've been conned by Dems and SoUtHerN HeRiTagE retards.

The yankees came to the South [and were] monsters." The USA can't "invade" the USA. Duly called up and deployed federal troops quashed a rebellion by all means necessary. They weren't all yankees (New Englanders). In fact, the vast majority of Union troops came from NY, PA and the "midwest" states of OH, WI, IN, IL. Fun piece of trivia, EVERY state but one (SC) sent troops to suppress the rebellion. If you're going to talk about atrocities, perhaps we could discuss Andersonville, Ft. Pillow or the terrorism/kidnapping before Gettysburg?

Yankee businessmen were pissed... Ah, the bullshit "derrr it was EcOnoMiCs" argument? Slave states immorally used free slave labor. Much honor. So proud. They grew mostly cash crops and shipped them off to European markets for more profit than to sell to Americans. Yes, the tariff was in part, an issue, most specifically during the Nullification Crisis (SC fireeaters' test run for the 1860 rebellion). But why did the tariff matter? Because of the impact on the SLAVE-based economy...

In actuality, most Southerners never owned slaves. Strawman. A non-slave owning white still considered himself superior to the free black and to the enslaved black. They fought to defend a class system that ensured their higher place, aloof to the utter insanity that the reason why they were poor was because the elite plantation class could use slave labor. Derp.

The Constitution limits the powers of the federal government to a very few things. True.

Everything else, absolutely everything else, is to be left to the states and individual people. Slavery was one of those things that was the right of the individual states to decide on. Not exactly the case. The Constitution granted Congress the power to ban the international slave trade as soon as 1800 (which it immediately did, signed into law by Jefferson). Constitution also granted the federal government EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction over territories. And what did that first Congress do? Banned slavery from the Northwest Territories. Congress always had the power to ban slavery in the territory added by the Louisiana purchase and the [illegal] Mexican war. But the slave faction powers were strong, hence why we ended up with laws like the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the bullshit Kansas-Nebraska Act. Congress banned the slave trade in DC, since it had original jurisdiction over the capitol. It was even up to the FEDERAL government to enforce the so-called "fugitive slave" (Constitution didn't use the term "slavery" until the Amendment that abolished it) clause, via the eventual Fugitive Slave Act. No state actors had any authority to go into free states and illegally kidnap any old black person, without due process, in violation of state laws.

Individual northern states had decided to stop slavery. Individual Southern states would also have stopped slavery by the 1880s because of the economics. Yes, northern states abolished slavery. The southern states were on pace to enact gradual emancipation and abolition, UNTIL the cotton gin made cotton production profitable again. And guess what? The slave population INCREASED from that point on. US census data indicates that the slave population continued to increase parabolically every decade from 1790 to 1860. In 1800, there were about 900k slaves in the US. Slave owners realized it was actually cheaper to breed more slaves than import them. Within 30 years, the slave population more than doubled to 2 million. By 1850 it was 3.2 million and by 1860 nearly 4 million. In those last 10 years before the rebellion, that 700k jump was the largest single percentage increase in US history. NC and VA had come close to enacted gradual emancipation laws as late as 1859. This is actually one of the reasons why the fireeating faggots in the deep south states (SC, GA, MS, AL) sped up their rebellion plan. If they hadn't fired on Ft. Sumter and forced Lincoln to take military action, they'd have not gotten NC, VA, TN or AR onboard with their treachery.

There was no Constitutional purpose in invading the South, Again, the USA can't invade itself. The Constitution authorizes POTUS to suppress rebellions and insurrections, wherever in the USA that they might exist. Lincoln utilized the Militia Acts to that end.

General Sherman was fully intending to commit genocide Yup. You done gone full retard.

If you truly desire a real education, to attain truthful knowledge of history, here are some good places to start:

For when you have more time for easy reading, you can start with the following...

2 years ago
1 score