Clif is an interesting guy. It's time that Clif High show me his data sets and algorithms. I just can't rely on someone stating from his "data sets" and "algorithms" that what he says is actually factual. I know he means it as theoretical because he presents it as interpretative. And there was some date-fagging in the past that was let's say rather non-eventful and insignificant. So, the interpretations were not at all eventful. Don't get me wrong here. Clif provides an interesting perspective. I just can't hang my hat on it though. It's simply food for thought.
Clif is an interesting guy. It's time that Clif High show me his data sets and algorithms. I just can't rely on someone stating from his "data sets" and "algorithms" that what he says is factual. There were some date-fagging in the past that were let's say rather non-eventful and insignificant. Don't get me wrong here. Clif provides an interesting perspective. I just can't hang my hat on it though. It's simply food for thought.