Some people are asking, if WI does this then what makes us think that other states will do the same?
I feel like it's a game of chicken...who's brave enough to do it first. Wisconsin seems to be leading the way, probably because they have fewer fucks to give when it comes to liberal and MSM hate that will follow.
Sorta like what Gov Desantis does. At this point, Florida has the biggest set of balls out of all of the 50 states (including TX). FL paves the way by creating laws and policy that is wildly unpopular with the left. The key is, FL doesn't give a fuck about what the MSM and Left says or thinks. They do what is morally right.
Have you noticed that in most cases, when FL hits a new Conservative milestone, other states seem to follow, because: "hey...if FL can do it then so can we!"
So, what does this have to do with Wisconsin and recalling electors? If WI decertifies first, then I have a feeling that other states will realize two new realities:
There will manifest a new "Wisconsin did it, so we can too!" mentality. Why didn't any other states (like Arizona) take lead? It's just that they didn't have the balls to do it first, but they are more than happy to join the party after it has already started.
They will see that despite what the left and the MSM screechers harp on about, WI won't give a fuck, and when these other states see that WI didn't spontaneously combust because of the liberal hate machine, they may find the courage to do the right thing themselves.
Some people are asking, if WI does this then what makes us think that other states will do the same?
I feel like it's a game of chicken...who's brave enough to do it first. Wisconsin seems to be leading the way, probably because they have fewer fucks to give when it comes to liberal and MSM hate that will follow.
Sorta like what Gov Desantis does. At this point, Florida has the biggest set of balls out of all of the 50 states (including TX). FL paves the way by creating laws and policy that is wildly unpopular with the left. The key is, FL doesn't give a fuck about what the MSM and Left says or thinks. They do what is morally right.
Have you noticed that in most cases, when FL hits a new Conservative milestone, other states seem to follow, because: "hey...if FL can do it then so can we!"
So, what does this have to do with Wisconsin and recalling electors? If WI decertifies first, then I have a feeling that other states will realize two new realities:
There will manifest a new "Wisconsin did it, so we can too!" mentality. Why didn't any other states (like Arizona) take lead? It's just that they didn't have the balls to do it first, but they are more than happy to join the party after it is started.
They will see that despite what the left and the MSM screechers harp on about, WI won't give a fuck, and when these other states see that WI didn't spontaneously combust because of the liberal hate machine, they may find the courage to do the right thing themselves.
Some people are asking, if WI does this then what makes us think that other states will do the same?
I feel like it's a game of chicken...who's brave enough to do it first. Wisconsin seems to be leading the way, probably because they have fewer fucks to give when it comes to liberal and MSM hate that will follow.
Sorta like what Gov Desantis does. At this point, Florida has the biggest set of balls out of all of the 50 states (including TX). FL paves the way by creating laws and policy that is wildly unpopular with the left. The key is, FL doesn't give a fuck about what the MSM and Left says or thinks. They do what is morally right.
Have you noticed that in most cases, when hits a new Conservative milestone, other states seem to follow, because: "hey...if FL can do it then so can we!"
So, what does this have to do with Wisconsin and recalling electors? If WI decertifies first, then I have a feeling that other states will realize two new realities:
There will manifest a new "Wisconsin did it, so we can too!" mentality. Why didn't any other states (like Arizona) take lead? It's just that they didn't have the balls to do it first, but they are more than happy to join the party after it is started.
They will see that despite what the left and the MSM screechers harp on about, WI won't give a fuck, and when these other states see that WI didn't spontaneously combust because of the liberal hate machine, they may find the courage to do the right thing themselves.