Things need to be understood in context. Eg When was this taken?
Brand has been dropping red pills a'plenty, including pills about the Great Reset, about Gates, about Passports, and all sorts of stuff, on a level that Leftist normies can access and even digest.
One photo with a satanic instrument cannot outweigh the reality of the actions that Brand is doing right now.
Back in the 90's our Favorite president would have had more than one great photo with scum like Epstein, even the Clintons, or other scum.
Also, one of the great things about Brand is that he is truly open-minded. That's why he is NOW in a place where he's dropping red pills.
Looking at the video (ht to Chicagotrauma), it really looks like Brand was hired by Penguin and put together with this guy. I.e. hired to host the inaugural Penguin talk and work with someone else, namely Schwab's minion.
Look at 18.50 minutes in. Already Brand is talking about the Elites, and the problem of people having to rely on "the largess of the Elites to survive". Listen more to the discussion, you can almost see that Harari is NOT in much agreement with Brand's basic stance, which is that humans are valuable. This does not look like a meeting of likeminds, but rather two different mindsets discussing and contrasting, imo.
After watching only 10 minutes or so, it becomes clear that Brand is not massively impressed with Harari, and also is definitely challenging his viewpoints.
Completely different from, for example, Brand being a great pal of Harari, and going around advocating Harari's views and agenda.
Let's decrease our consumption of knee-jerk reactions and look more closely with discretion. Some people simply cannot stomach Brand's style, and want to downshout him. Some people actually thrive on the negatives, saying this person or this patriot is evil.....
Things need to be understood in context. Eg When was this taken?
Brand has been dropping red pills a'plenty, including pills about the Great Reset, about Gates, about Passports, and all sorts of stuff, on a level that Leftist normies can access and even digest.
One photo with a satanic instrument cannot outweigh the reality of the actions that Brand is doing right now.
Back in the 90's our Favorite president would have had more than one great photo with scum like Epstein, even the Clintons, or other scum.
Also, one of the great things about Brand is that he is truly open-minded. That's why he is NOW in a place where he's dropping red pills.
Looking at the video (ht to Chicagotrauma), it really looks like Brand was hired by Penguin and put together with this guy. I.e. hired to host the inaugural Penguin talk and work with someone else, namely Schwab's minion.
Look at 18.50 minutes in. Already Brand is talking about the Elites, and the problem of people having to rely on "the largess of the Elites to survive". Listen more to the discussion, you can almost see that Harari is NOT in much agreement with Brand's basic stance, which is that humans are valuable. This does not look like a meeting of likeminds, but rather two different mindsets discussing and contrasting, imo.
Completely different from, for example, Brand being a great pal of Harari, and going around advocating Harari's views and agenda.
Let's decrease our consumption of knee-jerk reactions and look more closely with discretion. Some people simply cannot stomach Brand's style, and want to downshout him. Some people actually thrive on the negatives, saying this person or this patriot is evil.....