This is on point. Seriously. And I'm fucking sick and tired of capitulating, and 'meeting halfway" with the left -- when they have absolutely NO intention of doing same. At this point, most of them need to be hoisted, and pulled viciously down upon, pikes through their anuses until the point of said pike emerges from their generally poisonous gullets/mouths. I'm absolutely FINISHED dealing with, and making deals with the left. They are completely soulless, and completely irredeemable...because they never did, and never will, have the best interests in mind for my children.
My children escaped the K-12 system in our true blue region of the country -- THANK GOD -- over a decade ago, but I seriously feel for the majority of parents who have to pay these fucking school taxes and put up with the brainwashing and everything I've described above for their poor kids. At the end of the day...perhaps the end of time...God sees, and God KNOWS. And this heinous shit will NOT go unpunished...if not in this world, most certainly the next.
This is on point. Seriously. And I'm fucking sick and tired of capitulating, and 'meeting halfway" with the left -- when they have absolutely NO intention of doing same. At this point, most of them need to be hoisted, and pulled viciously down upon, pikes through their anuses until the point of said pike emerges from their generally poisonous gullets/mouths. I'm absolutely FINISHED dealing with, and making deals with the left. They are completely soulless, and completely irredeemable...because they never did, and never will, have the best interests in mind for my children.
My children escaped the K-12 system in our true blue region of the country -- THANK GOD -- over a decade ago, but I seriously feel for the majority of parents who have to pay these fucking school taxes and put up with the brainwashing and everything I've described above for their poor kids.
This is on point. Seriously. And I'm fucking sick and tired of capitulating, and 'meeting halfway" the left -- when they have absolutely NO intention of doing same. They need to be hoisted, and pulled viciously down upon, pikes through their anuses until the point of said pike emerges from their generally poisonous gullets/mouths. I'm absolutely FINISHED dealing with, and making deals with the left. They are completely soulless, and completely irredeemable.