The term Red Neck is another historical term that has been hijacked to become derogatory. The true meaning is g8rb81's post. It has been co-opted and maligned, as is their usual modus operandi to take away from the true historical meaning to mean ignorant, racist white folks. The real term signified the red bandana wearers and was a sign of identification of whites, blacks and immigrant miners. It had ZERO racial overtones.
Don't use their meaning, if someone uses it incorrectly, explain the true meaning and why it was maligned. Siding with corporate big money interests over working people that were fighting for fair labor and safe working conditions. Yes, they were associated with communists, but that was about empowering the labor group, not the economic system as a a whole. Keep in mind, this was a time of Robber barons and the total lack of workers rights. The robber barons used people like slaves or more accurately as indentured servants.
The term Red Neck is another historical term that has been hijacked to become derogatory. The true meaning is g8rb81's post. It has been co-opted and maligned, as is their usual modus operandi to take away from the true historical meaning to mean ignorant, racist white folks. Don't use their meaning, if someone uses it incorrectly, explain the true meaning and why it was maligned. Siding with corporate big money interests over working people that were fighting for fair labor and safe working conditions. Yes, they were associated with communists, but that was about empowering the labor group, not the economic system as a a whole. Keep in mind, this was a time of Robber barons and the total lack of workers rights. The robber barons used people like slaves or more accurately as indentured servants.
The term Red Neck is another historical term that has been hijacked to become derogatory. The true meaning is g8rb81's post. It has been co-opted and maligned, as is their usual modus operandi to take away from the true historical meaning to mean ignorant, racist white folks. Don't use their meaning, if someone uses it incorrectly, explain the true meaning and why it was maligned. Siding with corporate big money interests over working people that were fighting for fair labor and safe working conditions.