Is it something you can empirically prove yourself? As in, have you gone up into space to see for yourself? Can you even see a glimpse of the curve when flying on an airplane at 35,000ft?
What do Apollo 9 austronuts, Galileo, Copernicus & Isaac Newton have in common? Their exploits shaped our understanding of Space & all are associated with Freemasonry.
What’s interesting is that “flat earthers” can use empirical evidence to make their case & replicate the result over & over. I’m not calling you a heretic, but I am skeptical of Nazi’s & Freemasons that founded NASA, shottty footage of “earth” from the moon & photoshop images of earth to define reality for me.
People challenging the scientific Dogma are the ones treated like heretics, fren. :)
Is it something you can empirically prove yourself? As in, have you gone up into space to see for yourself? Can you even see a glimpse of the curve when flying on an airplane at 35,000ft?
What do Apollo 9 austronuts, Galileo, Copernicus & Isaac Newton have in common? Their exploits shaped our understanding of Space & all are associated with Freemasonry.
What’s interesting is that “flat earthers” can use empirical evidence to make their case & replicate the result over & over. I’m not calling you a heretic, but I am skeptical of Nazi’s & Freemasons that founded NASA, shottty footage of “earth” from the moon& photoshop images of earth to define reality for me.
People challenging the scientific Dogma are the ones treated like heretics, fren. :)
Is it something you can empirically prove yourself? As in, have you gone up into space to see for yourself? Can you even see a glimpse of the curve when flying on an airplane at 35,000ft?
What’s interesting is that “flat earthers” can use empirical evidence to make their case & replicate the result over & over. I’m not calling you a heretic, but I am skeptical of Nazi’s & Freemasons that founded NASA, shottty footage of “earth” from the moon& photoshop images of earth to define reality for me.
People challenging the scientific Dogma are the ones treated like heretics, fren. :)
Is it something you can empirically prove yourself? As in, have you gone up into space to see for yourself? Can you even see a glimpse of the curve when flying on an airplane at 35,000ft?
What’s interesting is that “flat earthers” can use empirical evidence to make their case & replicate the result over & over. I’m not calling you a heretic, but I am skeptical of Nazi’s & Freemasons that founded NASA to define reality for me.
People challenging the scientific Dogma are the ones treated like heretics, fren. :)