My guess is that after Disney files bankruptcy for torching their brand quicker than Hunter can light a crack pipe, a local patriotic co-op will buy the park from the bankruptcy trustee. The theme will be different. Pirates of the Caribbean will be converted to a ride that can dispel the myth that the Spanish Inquisition was a bad thing. And Space Mountain will be converted to a ride that demonstrates how Richard Nixon and the American people were the true victims of the deep state manufactured Watergate false flag scandal. Cinderella's Castle an become WTC 7 A hall of shame for the worst CIA and FBI agents, kept in pens, to be gawked at by visitors enjoying sno-cones and pretzels, pointing and laughing.
Hmmm.I might want to get in on that co-op. I'd move to Florida for MAGALAND.
BTW it always pisses me off when our side supports their left's narrative that Nixon was a bad guy. Especially after we know what happened to Trump. And us. Consider Nixon real popular. Real popular. Didn't do great things (removal gold standard, EPA, kissinger) but as deeply popular and looked at as the person who was bringing America back from LBJ's disastrous presidency. Trump was similar; Nixon didn't have an Admiral Rogers to tell him that he was being spied upon.
My guess is that after Disney files bankruptcy for torching their brand quicker than Hunter can light a crack pipe, a local patriotic co-op will buy the park from the bankruptcy trustee. The theme will be different. Pirates of the Caribbean will be converted to a ride that can dispel the myth that the Spanish Inquisition was a bad thing. And Space Mountain will be converted to a ride that demonstrates how Richard Nixon and the American people were the true victims of the deep state manufactured Watergate false flag scandal. Cinderella's Castle an become WTC 7 A hall of shame for the worst CIA and FBI agents, kept in pens, to be gawked at by visitors enjoying sno-cones and pretzels, pointing and laughing.
Hmmm.I might want to get in on that co-op. I'll move there for MAGALAND.
BTW it always pisses me off when our side supports their left's narrative that Nixon was a bad guy. Especially after we know what happened to Trump. And us. Consider Nixon real popular. Real popular. Didn't do great things (removal gold standard, EPA, kissinger) but as deeply popular and looked at as the person who was bringing America back from LBJ's disastrous presidency. Trump was similar; Nixon didn't have an Admiral Rogers to tell him that he was being spied upon.