a long time ago, the national enquirer covered a local news story that was rather sensational, and so i read the national enquirer version of the story and it was pretty much spot-on with the rest of the sources. i was pretty confused that day, because i was like, i thought the national enquirer was fake news, but they seemed to do a pretty good job on this story. idk, maybe my local news story was actually fake news, which would also make sense
a long time ago, the national enquirer covered a local news story that was rather sensational, and so i read the national enquirer version of the story and it was pretty much spot-on with the rest of the sources. i was pretty confused that day, because i was like, i thought the national enquirer was fake news, but the seemed to be a pretty good job on this story. idk, maybe my local news story was actually fake news, which would also make sense