No, as per definition it's usually a basket of various products and services.
If the price of one goes up while the other goes down - it's not an inflation.
Inflation is when everything goes the same direction, usually roughly by very similar rate, with some sml exception.
Let's be smart here and not the flat earthers. People really read this forum looking for answers.
Inflation isn't a magic secret figure that only the government can reveal to us. It's not an exceptional price increase that makes you wonder.
Everyone can estimate the inflation himself comparing just a couple of simple things:
flat rental cost now and 1, 2 year ago
monthly spend on food now and 1, 2 years ago
annual electricity cost now and 1, 2 years ago
monthly travel cost (if you commute to work by underground) or monthly gasoline cost (if you have a car)
Everyone who does basic record of costs of live can estimate the inflation himself.
No, as per definition it's usually a basket of various products and services.
If the price of one goes up while the other goes down - it's not an inflation.
Inflation is when everything goes the same direction, usually roughly by very similar rate, with some sml exception.
Let's be smart here and not the flat earthers. People really read this forum looking for answers.