When you have to try and come up with an explanation for your inquisitive 4-year-old about what a tranny even is, you may have a change of heart.
Well, I don't have a four year old, and it's a tough situation, but I prefer to treat children like adults. I use different words, because their vocabulary is smaller. I use abbreviated concepts, because their experience has insufficient context to understand more complex speech, but I have found that anyone old enough to ask questions, is ready to hear the answers, and will understand them if they are presented with respect and honesty.
We got here from "playing nice"
Totally not how we got here.
We got here through manipulation, through brainwashing, through fraud, through deceit. Some "played nice" some didn't. Doesn't matter. The media drives the narrative. The narrative creates the world. The ONLY reason we are winning is because Q took over the media. What we see now is an exaggeration, a fast forward, a "warp speed" of what was supposed to happen if Q et al hadn't intervened, if Q wasn't directing this parody of the Cabal's plan, the Great Reset would have been the only viable option that virtually everyone would see. Now it will become the farce it is, because enough people will be willing to ask the right questions, and see the fraud. This is only occurring because things are happening so fast. Nothing has a chance to be thrown down the memory hole before the next advance.
If you have any ideas for showing these people the truth of how messed up they are without telling them, I'm all ears.
I find the best path is to engage them in their expertise. Everyone is an expert in something. There is fraud in everything. Show them the fraud in their area of expertise. That get's them to ask questions.
It's not an easy path, because the fraud is difficult to reveal in many sectors. The build up of "plausible deniability" on top of "trust the experts" is the foundation upon which many areas of study are built. It just takes one entry however, one solid piece of evidence that is undeniably "not right;" that forces a person to question why an "expert" in their field is saying something they know isn't correct. It just takes one tiny piece of dogma that can be shown to be questionable to open the door.
From there, it takes more evidence, because cognitive dissonance will demand the door be closed without further investigation, but that is the entry; showing a piece of fraud in someone's expertise.
I think that is one reason why there are so many area's being shown fraud in at this time. You have to catch as many people as possible. Everyone has an entry point. The more that is exposed, the more different people's entry points will be cracked open.
If it weren't for Q, I wonder where your red line would be?
I have changed a lot since awakening, but in this area not so much. I have always been a proponent of:
"Let people be who they want to be, as long as it doesn't infringe on me directly."
The "directly" is very important. If someone want's to be a tranny yes it might cause cognitive dissonance in me. Yes it might create a difficult conversation with an inquisitive 4 year old, but what Right do I have to say they shouldn't? It is their life. They only get the one (as far as I know). Life is precious, let people make their best decisions for their life. If they make mistakes, if they regret it later, that is part of the learning process. I personally have made many errors, I regret a few (though not all). I have learned from them all. None of them were tranny decisions, but who am I to judge? I am not intrinsically a better person because my errors are different; less apparent on the outside. And who knows? Maybe it's not an error. Maybe they are truly happy with their decision. Who the fuck am I to judge such a thing?
We are all created equal, given by our Creator, inalienable Rights. Included in those Rights is the Sovereignty (supreme authority) of our own Life. We have the Right to Liberty, the freedom to be what we want, to choose what we want. As long as we don't infringe on anyone else's Rights, we can do whatever the fuck we want and no one should be telling us what is right and wrong in any definitive way upon our Sovereign Domain (our Life).
These Rights are our equality. This is where we are equal. It can never be "equality of outcome." That is a lie told to people who have been forced into separate classes, through fraud, so they will accept that fraudulent solution (i.e. Communism).
Live and let live. The feeling of the right to judge other's choices that do not directly affect us is nothing but an exploitable trick of The Matrix. This demand of our ego, that other's should make the choices that we feel is best for them is what we have been trained to do. It is part of our own brainwashing. It is designed to keep us divided; to keep us from seeing other's, and our own, humanity.
We are all created equally human. Appreciate that, and "stupid people" become a lot more appreciable. Don't get me wrong, I get pissed at the brainwashing all the time, but I recognize that the brainwashing is the real problem, not the people who have succumbed to it.
When you have to try and come up with an explanation for your inquisitive 4-year-old about what a tranny even is, you may have a change of heart.
Well, I don't have a four year old, and it's a tough situation, but I prefer to treat children like adults. I use different words, because their vocabulary is smaller. I use abbreviated concepts, because their experience has insufficient context to understand more complex speech, but I have found that anyone old enough to ask questions, is ready to hear the answers, and will understand them if they are presented with respect and honesty.
We got here from "playing nice"
Totally not how we got here.
We got here through manipulation, through brainwashing, through fraud, through deceit. Some "played nice" some didn't. Doesn't matter. The media drives the narrative. The narrative creates the world. The ONLY reason we are winning is because Q took over the media. What we see now is an exaggeration, a fast forward, a "warp speed" of what was supposed to happen if Q et al hadn't intervened, if Q wasn't directing this parody of the Cabal's plan, the Great Reset would have been the only viable option that virtually everyone would see. Now it will become the farce it is, because enough people will be willing to ask the right questions, and see the fraud. This is only occurring because things are happening so fast. Nothing has a chance to be thrown down the memory hole before the next advance.
If you have any ideas for showing these people the truth of how messed up they are without telling them, I'm all ears.
I find the best path is to engage them in their expertise. Everyone is an expert in something. There is fraud in everything. Show them the fraud in their area of expertise. That get's them to ask questions.
It's not an easy path, because the fraud is difficult to reveal in many sectors. The build up of "plausible deniability" on top of "trust the experts" is the foundation upon which many areas of study are built. It just takes one entry however, one solid piece of evidence that is undeniably "not right;" that forces a person to question why an "expert" in their field is saying something they know isn't correct. It just takes one tiny piece of dogma that can be shown to be questionable to open the door.
From there, it takes more evidence, because cognitive dissonance will demand the door be closed without further investigation, but that is the entry; showing a piece of fraud in someone's expertise.
I think that is one reason why there are so many area's being shown fraud in at this time. You have to catch as many people as possible. Everyone has an entry point. The more that is exposed, the more different people's entry points will be cracked open.
If it weren't for Q, I wonder where your red line would be?
I have changed a lot since awakening, but in this area not so much. I have always been a proponent of:
"Let people be who they want to be, as long as it doesn't infringe on me directly."
The "directly" is very important. If someone want's to be a tranny yes it might cause cognitive dissonance in me. Yes it might create a difficult conversation with an inquisitive 4 year old, but what Right do I have to say they shouldn't? It is their life. They only get the one (as far as I know). Life is precious, let people make their best decisions for their life. If they make mistakes, if they regret it later, that is part of the learning process. I personally have made many errors, I regret a few (though not all). I have learned from them all. None of them were tranny decisions, but who am I to judge? I am not intrinsically a better person because my errors are different; less apparent on the outside. And who knows? Maybe it's not an error. Maybe they are truly happy with their decision. Who the fuck am I to judge such a thing?
We are all created equal, given by our Creator, inalienable Rights. Included in those Rights is the Sovereignty (supreme authority) of our own Life. We have the Right to Liberty, the freedom to be what we want, to choose what we want. As long as we don't infringe on anyone else's Rights, we can do whatever the fuck we want and no one should be telling us what is right and wrong in any definitive way upon our Sovereign Domain (our Life).
These Rights are our equality. This is where we are equal. It can never be "equality of outcome." That is a lie told to people who have been forced into separate classes, through fraud, so they will accept that fraudulent solution (i.e. Communism).
Live and let live. The feeling of the right to judge other's choices that do not directly affect us is nothing but an exploitable trick of The Matrix. This demand of our ego, that other's choose what we feel is best is what we have been trained to do; to keep us divided; to keep us from seeing other's, and our own, humanity.
We are all created equally human. Appreciate that, and "stupid people" become a lot more appreciable. Don't get me wrong, I get pissed at the brainwashing all the time, but I recognize that the brainwashing is the real problem, not the people who have succumbed to it.