#12-I pray the family finds a good attorney to sue the hospital and pharmacist and the fired nurse owns the hospital. There are sufficient peer reviewed articles supporting the use of ivermectin.
#13-Dollar Store is targeting low income families. The assault on the populous is multi frontal: 1. Covid shots-depopulation (via maiming, deaths, impact on fertility), job loss if no shot, denial of services if no shot (some hospitals, doctors, transplant teams, businesses-restaurant industry, sports and entertainment venues; 2. water supply contamination; 3. food production contamination and famine (GMOs in food, destruction of poultry and egg business d/t “Avian virus”); 4. fossil fuel-decreased production d/t climate change fanatics-loss of jobs and ability to travel; 5. job loss (via refusal to take the Covid shot; downsizing in food industry d/t food availability-as a result of poultry destruction, lack of feed in the cattle industry-with rising grain costs); costs of trucking; labor costs rising-difficulty hiring d/t pay and government handouts to not work; 6. travel barriers-rising fuel, mask and Covid shot mandates-shots for international flying and cruises, masks for national flying and public transportation. Travel barriers limit movement, amp other form of lockdown; 7. indoctrination by clergy and passing on misinformation in some houses of worship; 8. MSM spouting the same misinformation d/t bought and paid for talking points by Reuters-this includes CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX, NEWSMAX, social media companies-TWITTER, FACEBOOK, ETC.; 9. Medical barriers-Obamacare has made health care LESS available d/t inability to afford premiums, patients think twice regarding incurring medical expenses, medical facilities demanding mask compliance to care for you, distrust now of the following: doctors, hospitals, nurses, pharmacists, Big Pharma-medications, vaccines, masks-what contaminants are in them; 10. Distrust of government-biolabs world wide; government involvement in Covid release, bird flu release, and Mad Cow Disease?; mandated lockdowns, masks, Covid shot mandates in government and military workers; FBI involvement in Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, January 6. numerous FBI failures- Las Vegas Shooting, Orlando nightclub, Florida School shooting, Brooklyn Subway shooting.
#16-Just like the bio labs of today, was it really necessary to create nuclear bombs which cause death and destruction. Wouldn’t it be far better for all to work on peaceful relations between countries? These scientists were no better than the bio lab scientists of today who work on developing viruses and vaccines that maim and kill.
#40&67-We must not align with the UN, WHO, NATO: their control over us through weapons confiscation, vaccine mandates, etc. does not align with our interests and Constitution. We must withdraw from membership now.
#27-After failure 10 times to pass the assisted suicides bill, it should be obvious people do not want this on moral grounds.
#32-It is beyond me how the military and government can mandate a shot that is still EUA and data shows it is unsafe. Where are all the attorneys in defending rights. ACLU Must lose government funding.
#33-It amazes me how many former “Catholic brothers” are liberal and pro- abortion. I think that says it all about how religious they are that they embrace the far Left: Orange man bad, abortion is fine, climate change is real. Indoctrination is alive.
#41-If students at religious schools and colleges don’t like the stance on abortion, LGBQT displays in the schools and universities, they need to withdraw because they are in the wrong environment. This is religious doctrine. They should not change to conform with student “woke“ ideologies. The students knew or should have known the school’s stance prior to enrolling.
#71-It is time for old fool, Mitch McConnell to step down. No one will tell me which candidate is acceptable or unacceptable. I will decide for myself. I will not listen to someone with obvious Chines ties to lecture to me.
#12-I pray the family finds a good attorney to sue the hospital and pharmacist and the fired nurse owns the hospital. There are sufficient peer reviewed articles supporting the use of ivermectin.
#13-Dollar Store is targeting low income families. The assault on the populous is multi frontal: 1. Covid shots-depopulation (via maiming, deaths, impact on fertility), job loss if no shot, denial of services if no shot (some hospitals, doctors, transplant teams, businesses-restaurant industry, sports and entertainment venues; 2. water supply contamination; 3. food production contamination and famine (GMOs in food, destruction of poultry and egg business d/t “Avian virus”); 4. fossil fuel-decreased production d/t climate change fanatics-loss of jobs and ability to travel; 5. job loss (via refusal to take the Covid shot; downsizing in food industry d/t food availability-as a result of poultry destruction, lack of feed in the cattle industry-with rising grain costs); costs of trucking; labor costs rising-difficulty hiring d/t pay and government handouts to not work; 6. travel barriers-rising fuel, mask and Covid shot mandates-shots for international flying and cruises, masks for national flying and public transportation. Travel barriers limit movement, amp other form of lockdown; 7. indoctrination by clergy and passing on misinformation in some houses of worship; 8. MSM spouting the same misinformation d/t bought and paid for talking points by Reuters-this includes CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX, NEWSMAX, social media companies-TWITTER, FACEBOOK, ETC.; 9. Medical barriers-Obamacare has made health care LESS available d/t inability to afford premiums, patients think twice regarding incurring medical expenses, medical facilities demanding mask compliance to care for you, distrust now of the following: doctors, hospitals, nurses, pharmacists, Big Pharma-medications, vaccines, masks-what contaminants are in them; 10. Distrust of government-biolabs world wide; government involvement in Covid release, bird flu release, and Mad Cow Disease?; mandated lockdowns, masks, Covid shot mandates in government and military workers; FBI involvement in Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, January 6. numerous FBI failures- Las Vegas Shooting, Orlando nightclub, Florida School shooting, Brooklyn Subway shooting.
#16-Just like the bio labs of today, was it really necessary to create nuclear bombs which cause death and destruction. Wouldn’t it be far better for all to work on peaceful relations between countries? These scientists were no better than the bio lab scientists of today who work on developing viruses and vaccines that maim and kill.
#12-I pray the family finds a good attorney to sue the hospital and pharmacist and the fired nurse owns the hospital. There are sufficient peer reviewed articles supporting the use of ivermectin. #13-Dollar Store is targeting low income families. The assault on the populous is multi frontal: 1. Covid shots-depopulation (via maiming, deaths, impact on fertility), job loss if no shot, denial of services if no shot (some hospitals, doctors, transplant teams, businesses-restaurant industry, sports and entertainment venues; 2. water supply contamination; 3. food production contamination and famine (GMOs in food, destruction of poultry and egg business d/t “Avian virus”); 4. fossil fuel-decreased production d/t climate change fanatics-loss of jobs and ability to travel; 5. job loss (via refusal to take the Covid shot; downsizing in food industry d/t food availability-as a result of poultry destruction, lack of feed in the cattle industry-with rising grain costs); costs of trucking; labor costs rising-difficulty hiring d/t pay and government handouts to not work; 6. travel barriers-rising fuel, mask and Covid shot mandates-shots for international flying and cruises, masks for national flying and public transportation. Travel barriers limit movement, amp other form of lockdown; 7. indoctrination by clergy and passing on misinformation in some houses of worship; 8. MSM spouting the same misinformation d/t bought and paid for talking points by Reuters-this includes CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX, NEWSMAX, social media companies-TWITTER, FACEBOOK, ETC.; 9. Medical barriers-Obamacare has made health care LESS available d/t inability to afford premiums, patients think twice regarding incurring medical expenses, medical facilities demanding mask compliance to care for you, distrust now of the following: doctors, hospitals, nurses, pharmacists, Big Pharma-medications, vaccines, masks-what contaminants are in them; 10. Distrust of government-biolabs world wide; government involvement in Covid release, bird flu release, and Mad Cow Disease?; mandated lockdowns, masks, Covid shot mandates in government and military workers; FBI involvement in Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, January 6. numerous FBI failures- Las Vegas Shooting, Orlando nightclub, Florida School shooting, Brooklyn Subway shooting.
#12-I pray the family finds a good attorney to sue the hospital and pharmacist and the fired nurse owns the hospital. There are sufficient peer reviewed articles supporting the use of ivermectin.