Who wrote the bible? Who really wrote the bible?
You believe the bible is absolute truth. You believe that no fuckery can have possibly happened within that body of work because it says so itself. For two thousand years people have been taught to believe that one thing.
Yet we know that the bible, as we know it today, received a final edit by a self proclaimed worshiper of the Sun God (known as Moloch in some circles), one Emperor Constantine who performed this act of Religion Creation for the sole purpose of uniting the disparate kingdoms of Europe back under one Roman Empire. He performed this act of Religion creation over three centuries after the death of Christ (imagine how much we have gotten wrong, or otherwise lost from three hundred years ago in our history). The Christian Religion took hold over all Europe because the beliefs were codified into law by that same Emperor. It solidified his rule as absolute, and even Divine. Prior to that codification certain topics were not believed as Truth, including the Trinity (as espoused in Christian canon). On the contrary, the Trinity is a concept of other religions, and it's inclusion was not only by force, but to appease the other religions (what you would call "Pagan") at the time in this forced joining and Religion codification.
This looks at the idea of the Trinity having its origins going back many thousands of years all across the world, It does not talk about the exact same Trinity as the foundational tenet of Christianity, but rather a triune idea of God (the father in Christianity), God the Word (Jesus aka The Messiah in Christianity), and God Sophia (wisdom aka The Holy Spirit in Christianity). In this historical reference, and if one takes out the Nicene doctrine and rereads Jesus' teachings, one finds the Trinity more as the trinity (lower case), and that God is one God (the creator). God's word is all of us and God's wisdom is also all of us. Part of the whole, but not the same. Not the same level (because we are trapped on Earth, or we believe that we are).
Many books that were otherwise cannon at the time were left out. Many books (Revelations specifically, but not exclusively) have questionable authorship. It is this very book, whose authorship is so controversial that "closes the loop" on the beliefs, and says "everything is in here, don't question it, don't think critically about its contents" (paraphrased). Many translations are highly questionable, and indeed, many of the sects of Christianity (the Religion) are based on completely different interpretations of key sections of the bible. Of course the Religion you belong to got it right, and to say otherwise is heresy.
But you trust these people, because the bible says you must. It self-proclaims itself as the absolute Truth, and nothing can be added or subtracted, AKA it can't be questioned. You MUST NOT THINK CRITICALLY ABOUT THE BIBLE.
Yet it was created exactly and precisely in the form that it was, leaving out many gospels and other historical books purely to unite an empire under one divine right of rule.
Many of the teachings of Jesus can be found in other gospels left out of the bible. They are quite enlightening, and I suggest you read them. Give up on the "the bible is complete, with no possible fuckery" idea and think critically about it.
Who wrote the bible? Who really wrote the bible?
You believe the bible is absolute truth. You believe that no fuckery can have possibly happened within that body of work because it says so itself. For two thousand years people have been taught to believe that one thing.
Yet we know that the bible, as we know it today, received a final edit by a self proclaimed worshiper of the Sun God (known as Moloch in some circles), one Emperor Constantine who performed this act of Religion Creation for the sole purpose of uniting the disparate kingdoms of Europe back under one Roman Empire. He performed this act of Religion creation over three centuries after the death of Christ (imagine how much we have gotten wrong, or otherwise lost from three hundred years ago in our history). The Christian Religion took hold over all Europe because the beliefs were codified into law by that same Emperor. It solidified his rule as absolute, and even Divine. Prior to that codification certain topics were not believed as Truth, including the Trinity (as espoused in Christian canon). On the contrary, the Trinity is a concept of other religions, and it's inclusion was not only by force, but to appease the other religions (what you would call "Pagan") at the time in this forced joining and Religion codification.
This looks at the idea of the Trinity having its origins going back many thousands of years all across the world, It does not talk about the exact same Trinity as the foundational tenet of Christianity, but rather a triune idea of God (the father in Christianity), God the Word (Jesus aka The Messiah in Christianity), and God Sophia (wisdom aka The Holy Spirit in Christianity). In this historical reference, and if one takes out the Nicene doctrine and rereads Jesus' teachings, one finds the Trinity more as the trinity (lower case), and that God is one God (the creator). God's word is all of us and God's wisdom is also all of us. Part of the whole, but not the same. Not the same level (because we are trapped on Earth, or we believe that we are).
Many books that were otherwise cannon at the time were left out. Many books (Revelations specifically, but not exclusively) have questionable authorship. Many translations are highly questionable, and indeed, many of the sects of Christianity (the Religion) are based on completely different interpretations of key sections of the bible. Of course the Religion you belong to got it right, and to say otherwise is heresy.
But you trust these people, because the bible says you must. It self-proclaims itself as the absolute Truth, and nothing can be added or subtracted, AKA it can't be questioned. You MUST NOT THINK CRITICALLY ABOUT THE BIBLE.
Yet it was created exactly and precisely in the form that it was, leaving out many gospels and other historical books purely to unite an empire under one divine right of rule.
Who wrote the bible? Who really wrote the bible?
You believe the bible is absolute truth. You believe that no fuckery can have possibly happened within that body of work because it says so itself. For two thousand years people have been taught to believe that one thing.
Yet we know that the bible, as we know it today, received a final edit by a self proclaimed worshiper of the Sun God (known as Moloch in some circles), one Emperor Constantine who performed this act of Religion Creation for the sole purpose of uniting the disparate kingdoms of Europe back under one Roman Empire. He performed this act of Religion creation over three centuries after the death of Christ (imagine how much we have gotten wrong, or otherwise lost from three hundred years ago in our history). The Christian Religion took hold over all Europe because the beliefs were codified into law by that same Emperor. It solidified his rule as absolute, and even Divine. Prior to that codification certain topics were not believed as Truth, including the Trinity (as espoused in Christian canon). On the contrary, the Trinity is a concept of other religions, and it's inclusion was not only by force, but to appease the other religions (what you would call "Pagan") at the time in this forced joining and Religion codification.
Many books that were otherwise cannon at the time were left out. Many books (Revelations specifically, but not exclusively) have questionable authorship. Many translations are highly questionable, and indeed, many of the sects of Christianity (the Religion) are based on completely different interpretations of key sections of the bible. Of course the Religion you belong to got it right, and to say otherwise is heresy.