I’m going to send that list to my SPECOPS Polish buddy as he has friends in Ukraine. He was commenting yesterday about the refugees. Edit; my buddy is a real bad hombre and we worked together in Afghanistan. He’s also a strong Christian. I sent him this;
Hey here’s something God has shown me is important. I know many Ukrainian refugees are in Poland. Unfortunately many BAD CHARITIES take children and are never seen again. Some are tied to Clinton Foundation and the children end up in satanists hands. This is truth. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Foundation did this in Haiti. Well many of them are now focused on Ukrainian children. I’m saying this because it may be going on near you or maybe you have friends near the refugee situation? These charities are in the region…either helping OR NOT HELPING the children? American Red Cross CARE USA Catholic Relief Services Church World Service (CWS) Direct Relief & Direct Relief Foundation Doctors Without Borders USA Episcopal Relief & Development HIAS International Medical Corps International Rescue Committee Lutheran World Relief Medical Teams International Mercy Corps Operation USA Project HOPE Samaritan's Purse Save the Children Team Rubicon United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) United States Fund for UNICEF World Vision They HIDE BEHIND Church names to get in there. Some may be doing good…but many do NOT. Child trafficking makes more money than drug trafficking TRUTH. Tell your friends and tell maybe(?) your Priest? Do you understand?
He was sending me pics yesterday of his new Galil rifle. Evidently they are allowed in Poland…believe me they are watching Russia nervously so that shouldn’t be a surprise. Anyway at minimum he will alert his friends. Great post OP 👍🏼
I’m going to send that list to my SPECOPS Polish buddy as he has friends in Ukraine. He was commenting yesterday about the refugees. Edit; my buddy is a real bad hombre and we worked together in Afghanistan. He’s also a strong Christian. I sent him this;
Hey here’s something God has shown me is important. I know many Ukrainian refugees are in Poland. Unfortunately many BAD CHARITIES take children and are never seen again. Some are tied to Clinton Foundation and the children end up in satanists hands. This is truth. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Foundation did this in Haiti. Well many of them are now focused on Ukrainian children. I’m saying this because it may be going on near you or maybe you have friends near the refugee situation? These charities are in the region…either helping OR NOT HELPING the children? American Red Cross CARE USA Catholic Relief Services Church World Service (CWS) Direct Relief & Direct Relief Foundation Doctors Without Borders USA Episcopal Relief & Development HIAS International Medical Corps International Rescue Committee Lutheran World Relief Medical Teams International Mercy Corps Operation USA Project HOPE Samaritan's Purse Save the Children Team Rubicon United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) United States Fund for UNICEF World Vision They HIDE BEHIND Church names to get in there. Some may be doing good…but many do NOT. Child trafficking makes more money than drug trafficking TRUTH. Tell your friends and tell maybe(?) your Priest? Do you understand?
He was sending me pics yesterday of his new Galil rifle. Evidently they are allowed in Poland…believe me they are watching Russia nervously so that shouldn’t be a surprise. Anyway at minimum he will alert his friends.
I’m going to send that list to my SPECOPS Polish buddy as he has friends in Ukraine. He was commenting yesterday about the refugees.