Definitely try deep breathing exercises when you find yourself too stressed out. Done properly it can be calming, meditative and "centering".
I, like you, am profoundly tired and for many of the same reasons.
The anger is a tough one and more recently I've decided to disengage from individuals in my life who are caustic and/or condescending. I'm turning my back on those people and whether or not I let them back in my life if and when they wake up is yet to be seen. Wheat from the chaff.
Taking a break is a good idea, getting out in nature another and being thankful to the Lord every single day for all that is really good in your life is another.
My prayers are with you.
Definitely try deep breathing exercises when you find yourself too stressed out. Done properly it can be meditative and "centering".
I, like you, am profoundly tired and for many of the same reasons.
The anger is a tough one and more recently I've decided to disengage from individuals in my life who are caustic and/or condescending. I'm turning my back on those people and whether or not I let them back in my life if and when they wake up is yet to be seen. Wheat from the chaff.
Taking a break is a good idea, getting out in nature another and being thankful to the Lord every single day for all that is really good in your life is another.
My prayers are with you.