BCG is Boston Consulting Group. Ryan Cohen (Gamestop) pointed people to look into them on twitter. Since then gme investors have been uncovering links between BCG and many now bankrupt companies.
They seem to be sent in by Hedge Funds to gain insider info on companies and/or bring it down from the inside. At the same time the hedgies short the company and make billions when the stock price tanks... all while BCG charges millions for "consultancy fees".
It's one huge racket. Remember Epstein was a hedgie, and is now being linked to BCG via Wexner.
BCG tried it with Gamestop (hence all the hedges shorting them) but Ryan Cohen stopped it and told them to gtfo when he become chairman. BCG is now suing gamestop for unpaid consulting fees to the tune of $30 million.
The ex CEO of Pulte Homes recently came out on twitter saying that BCG tried the same thing with his company. He had to root them out before they went bankrupt. Pulte also just bought nearly $200,000 worth of $GME.
The federal reserve also hired BCG. So there is probably much more to them that we still don't know. They seem to have their tentacles into all sorts of shady shit.
Superstonk also dug up that BCG was linked to "Save the Children" foundation.
Reddit seems to be shadow banning and outright censoring many of the BCG posts.
This post shows Ken Griffin admitting they use BCG before shorting companies...and the comments have info about BCG links being censored.
BCG is Boston Consulting Group. Ryan Cohen (Gamestop) pointed people to look into them on twitter. Since then gme investors have been uncovering links between BCG and many now bankrupt companies.
They seem to be sent in by Hedge Funds to gain insider info on companies and/or bring it down from the inside. At the same time the hedgies short the company and make billions when the stock price tanks... all while BCG charges millions for "consultancy fees".
It's one huge racket. Remember Epstein was a hedgie, and is now being linked to BCG via Wexner.
BCG tried it with Gamestop (hence all the hedges shorting them) but Ryan Cohen stopped it and told them to gtfo when he become chairman. BCG is now suing gamestop for unpaid consulting fees to the tune of $30 million.
The ex CEO of Pulte Homes recently came out on twitter saying that BCG tried the same thing with his company. He had to root them out before they went bankrupt. Pulte also just bought nearly $200,000 worth of $GME.
The federal reserve also hired BCG. So there is probably much more to them that we still don't know. They seem to have their tentacles into all sorts of shady shit. There is much more to them.
Superstonk also dug up that BCG was linked to "Save the Children" foundation.
Reddit seems to be shadow banning and outright censoring many of the BCG posts.
This post shows Ken Griffin admitting they use BCG before shorting companies...and the comments have info about BCG links being censored.
BCG is Boston Consulting Group. Ryan Cohen (Gamestop) pointed people to look into them on twitter. Since then gme investors have been uncovering links between BCG and many now bankrupt companies.
They seem to be sent in by Hedge Funds to gain insider info on companies and/or bring it down from the inside. At the same time the hedgies short the company and make billions when the stock price tanks... all while charging millions for "consultancy fees". It's one huge racket. Remember Epstein was a hedgie, and is now being linked to BCG via Wexner.
BCG tried it with Gamestop (hence all the hedges shorting them) but Ryan Cohen stopped it and told them to gtfo when he become chairman. BCG is now suing gamestop for unpaid consulting fees to the tune of $30 million.
The ex CEO of Pulte Homes recently came out saying that BCG tried the same thing with his company. He had to root them out before they went bankrupt. Pulte also just bought nearly $200,000 worth of gme.
The federal reserve hired BCG. So there is probably much more to them that we still don't know. They seem to have their tentacles into everything.