Yes. PH stands for Potential Hydrogen and basically is a measurement of voltage. For example, a PH level of 0 has a voltage of +400mV and a PH level of 14 has a -400mV value. Alkali is a base, which has a negative voltage.
(X/-25mV =7/400mV) +7 = PH of 7.4 for normal cellular functioning. This doesn't mean a diet of 7.4, but the idea is to close the gap by eating less acidic foods and focusing on alkali foods. You know, the deep green veggies your mother or grandma told us to eat.
Yes. PH stands for Potential Hydrogen and basically is a measurement of voltage. For example, a PH level of 0 has a voltage of +400mV and a PH level of 14 has a -400mV value. Alkali is a base, which has a negative voltage.