First, they made nearly $25 million over the last 3 years. And the reason they got dumped was they weren't generating enough content. As of April 21 Michelle Obama has released a grand total of 10 episodes of her podcast which launched in JULY 2020. Barack has released 8 episodes. Rogan did 15 just in March.
Spotify was paying for them to make appearances, not for them to promote and develop new voices.
First, they made nearly $25 million over the last 3 years. And the reason they got dumped was they weren't generating enough content. As of April 21 Michelle Obama has released a grand total of 10 episodes of her podcast which launched in JULY 2020. Barack has released 8 episodes. Spotify was paying for them to make appearances, not for them to promote and develop new voices.
First, they made nearly $25 million over the last 3 years. And the reason they got dumped was Spotify was paying for them to make appeances, not for them to promote and develop new voices, which Spotify felt they spent too much time doing. In other words, they got dumped not because Spotify didn't want them anymore, it's because they appeared to infrequently to be worth what Spotify was paying them.