Anything going in a circle is considered 'winding' as power generator. Think turbine engine, whirling vortex, etc.
See Kaaba
So you get an ice skating rink in front of Prometheus' statue at the Rockefeller Center in New York.
In my town, there is a little round-a-bout with a fountain statue of his female counterpart in complimentary pose.
Pitting Dualistic nature's 'sides' in competitiion and giving Laurel to the Victor.
Hunger Games As The World Turns
Anything going in a circle is considered 'winding' as power generator. Think turbine engine, whirling vortex, etc.
See Kaaba
So you get an ice skating rink in front of Prometheus' statue in front of the Rockefeller Center.
In my town, there is a little round-a-bout with a fountain statue of his female counterpart in complimentary pose.
Pitting Dualistic nature's 'sides' in competitiion and giving Laurel to the Victor.
Hunger Games As The World Turns
Anything going in a circle is considered 'winding' as power generator. Think turbine engine, whirling vortex, etc.
See Kaaba
The winner's circle of the Indy 500 (5x100) is to give laurels to the driver who took the checkered flag in the Greatest Spectacle on Earth, the modern circus/circuit/circle.
Competition as strife in life's dualistic journey, Laurel-ed as the 'victor'.
As The World Turns