I found this article when I swiped right on my home page on my phone. I'm trying to figure out on the medical field who is enemy and who is not. I work at a unique setting to be able to determine this without the need to have to demand any kind of exemption. The pharmacist who was giving me a new understanding about this covid 19 vaccine had me in the idea of something greater than we can even imagine is happening behind scenes. But she is from a different country. When I asked her the next day if the effects of the actual virus to the brain actually meant the brain is evolving or deteriorating she said she thinks it means it's evolving. So then the next day after I slept on this potential new information I went back and told her my new ideas to see if I can get any type of validation or rejection. But instead she went into the typical pharmacist mode of the virus is show to cause dementia. So when I asked her what effects does the vaccine itself actually have on the brain she didn't answer the question. So then I started just chit chatting and threw in the fact my core education was all about the law of war. She looked at me and I'm not sure if I should read her eyes as she fears me or if she was relieved because there's an actual educated American civilian who has her on their radar. I don't really know and I hope you were able to keep with everything I just said. =)
I found this article when I swiped right on my home page on my phone. I'm trying to figure out on the medical field who is enemy and who is not. I work at a unique setting to be able to determine this without the need to have to demand any kind of exemption. The pharmacist who was giving me a new understanding about this covid 19 vaccine had me in the idea of something greater than we can even imagine. But she is from a different country. When I asked her the next day if the effects of the actual virus to the brain actually meant the brain is evolving or deteriorating she said she thinks it means it's evolving. So then the next day after I slept on this potential new information I went back and told her my new ideas to see if I can get any type of validation or rejection. But instead she went into the typical pharmacist mode of the virus is show to cause dementia. So when I asked her what effects does the vaccine itself actually have on the brain she didn't answer the question. So then I started just chit chatting and threw in the fact my core education was all about the law of war. She looked at me and I'm not sure if I should read her eyes as she fears me or if she was relieved because there's an actual educated American civilian who has her on their radar. I don't really know and I hope you were able to keep with everything I just said. =)