The idea of a "Christian" is a separation mechanism. We The People are one singular group. Until this is fully appreciated by We The People we will continue to be stuck in The Matrix.
All of We The People believe different things. No one person has exactly the same beliefs about Reality AKA The Truth as anyone else. Some groups have "shared beliefs" but even within those beliefs that are "shared", there are numerous differences of nuance.
I don't even know what a "Christian" is, do you? Is it someone who believes that the Bible (the one that was pushed for 1700 years, not the one that existed before that) is Absolute unequivocal Truth? Is it someone who finds wisdom in the Teachings of Jesus? Is it someone who believes Jesus is God? What if someone believes Jesus is God, because we are all God (the Divine Spark)?
What if a persons path to the Truth is not by Jesus? The Bible insists that the only path to God is through Jesus, yet the number of problems with that statement is uncountable, including within the teachings of Jesus himself, though I do not want to have that particular theological discussion at this time, because it's not the point.
I will only say this with regard to that statement. The Truth Is what It Is and It Is all around us. I suggest listening to what it has to say will help you appreciate what It Is. We don't need anyone to interpret it for us, that is the opposite of Critical Thinking and the main control mechanism of The Matrix. We just need to learn how to listen.
Learning how to listen is a fundamental lesson of the GA. So is learning there is no such thing as a Christian. There is We The People. Everything else is a division of The Matrix to keep us at odds with each other.
So if you want to "engage Christians" in politics, entice them to appreciate that it's not about the individual path to The Truth, but the willingness to engage in honest debate to find it, no matter what it might be.
That is a concept that sells to all, no matter how "shared" or "diverse" their beliefs might be.
The idea of a "Christian" is a separation mechanism. We The People are one singular group. Until this is fully appreciated by We The People we will continue to be stuck in The Matrix.
All of We The People believe different things. No one person has exactly the same beliefs about Reality AKA The Truth as anyone else. Some groups have "shared beliefs" but even within those beliefs that are "shared", there are numerous differences of nuance.
I don't even know what a "Christian" is, do you? Is it someone who believes the Bible (the one that was pushed for 1700 years, not the one that existed before that) is Absolute unequivocal Truth? Is it someone who finds wisdom in the Teachings of Jesus? Is it someone who believes Jesus is God? What if someone believes Jesus is God, because we are all God (the Divine Spark)?
What if a persons path to the Truth is not by Jesus? The Bible insists that the only path to God is through Jesus, yet the number of problems with that statement is uncountable, including within the teachings of Jesus himself, though I do not want to have that particular theological discussion at this time, because it's not the point.
I will only say this with regard to that statement. The Truth Is what It Is and It Is all around us. I suggest listening to what it has to say will help you appreciate what It Is. We don't need anyone to interpret it for us, that is the opposite of Critical Thinking and the main control mechanism of The Matrix. We just need to learn how to listen.
Learning how to listen is a fundamental lesson of the GA. So is learning there is no such thing as a Christian. There is We The People. Everything else is a division of The Matrix to keep us at odds with each other.
So if you want to "engage Christians" in politics, entice them to appreciate that it's not about the individual path to The Truth, but the willingness to engage in honest debate to find it, no matter what it might be.
That is a concept that sells to all, no matter how "shared" or "diverse" their beliefs might be.
The idea of a "Christian" is a separation mechanism. We The People are one singular group. Until this is fully appreciated by We The People we will continue to be stuck in The Matrix.
All of We The People believe different things. No one person has exactly the same beliefs about Reality AKA The Truth as anyone else. Some groups have "shared beliefs" but even within those beliefs that are "shared", there are numerous differences of nuance.
I don't even know what a "Christian" is, do you? Is it someone who believes the Bible (the one that was pushed for 1700 years, not the one that existed before that) is Absolute unequivocal Truth? Is it someone who finds wisdom in the Teachings of Jesus? Is it someone who believes Jesus is God? What if someone believes Jesus is God, because we are all God (the Divine Spark)?
What if a persons path to the Truth is not by Jesus? The Bible insists that the only path to God is through Jesus, yet the number of problems with that statement is uncountable, including within the teachings of Jesus himself, though I do not want to have that particular theological discussion at this time, because it's not the point.
I will only say this with regard to that statement. The Truth Is what It Is and It Is all around us. I suggest listening to what it has to say will help you appreciate what It Is. We don't need anyone to interpret it for us, that is the opposite of Critical Thinking and the main control mechanism of The Matrix. We just need to learn how to listen.
Learning how to listen is a fundamental lesson of the GA. So is learning there is no such thing as a Christian. There is We The People. Everything else is a division of The Matrix to keep us at odds with each other.
So if you want to "engage Christians" in politics, entice them to appreciate that it's not about the individual path to The Truth, but the willingness to engage in honest debate to find it, no matter what it might be.
That is a concept that sells to all, no matter the "shared beliefs" they might have.