According to a CIA source, in exchange for agreeing to “lose,” opposition candidate Marine Le Pen “will collect at least $300 million for her part in the show. Pocket change for the KM satanic cabal.” That is why she is seen smiling after “losing” the rigged election. A sentence to be guillotined is inevitable for her now. That will wipe the smile off her face.
Regarding Pakistan
Perhaps the biggest event is what is currently happening in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Here, a new opium war has begun. When the Taliban government, in coordination with China and Pakistan, announced it would stop poppy production, the heroin-producing branch of the Khazarian mafia went on the warpath.
This also seems to be the real reason why the latest avatar. by Bill Gates recently visited Pakistan. He appears to have bribed a number of generals and politicians in Pakistan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan.
The problem is that Pakistan will not be able to pay for the gas with the IMF’s “funny money.” None of the major producers, including Russia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, will accept BS money anymore.
This all makes good sense, and explains why Pakistan coup happened. Pretty much what I guessed. ...
And finalle:
To wrap up this week, we’ll dive into the X-Files once again. Our secret space program sources insist that the imminent collapse of the regime in the West will expose a vast hidden world of alien influence and suppressed technology.
This is one of the best Fulford reports, thanks for posting!
According to a CIA source, in exchange for agreeing to “lose,” opposition candidate Marine Le Pen “will collect at least $300 million for her part in the show. Pocket change for the KM satanic cabal.” That is why she is seen smiling after “losing” the rigged election. A sentence to be guillotined is inevitable for her now. That will wipe the smile off her face.
Regarding Pakistan
Perhaps the biggest event is what is currently happening in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Here, a new opium war has begun. When the Taliban government, in coordination with China and Pakistan, announced it would stop poppy production, the heroin-producing branch of the Khazarian mafia went on the warpath.
This also seems to be the real reason why the latest avatar. by Bill Gates recently visited Pakistan. He appears to have bribed a number of generals and politicians in Pakistan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan.
The problem is that Pakistan will not be able to pay for the gas with the IMF’s “funny money.” None of the major producers, including Russia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, will accept BS money anymore.
This all makes good sense, and explains why Pakistan coup happened. Pretty much what I guessed.
According to a CIA source, in exchange for agreeing to “lose,” opposition candidate Marine Le Pen “will collect at least $300 million for her part in the show. Pocket change for the KM satanic cabal.” That is why she is seen smiling after “losing” the rigged election. A sentence to be guillotined is inevitable for her now. That will wipe the smile off her face.