Two years ago grasshoppers were eating my garden up. We use the simple insecticide Seven Dust on the plants.
Sadly, we realized to late we had killed off the local honey bees with that damned dust. Americans need to be educated on what they can and can not use and when to use it.
The bees have since returned, but not in the numbers they were here before. We have never used the Seven Dust again and never will. Some products need to be completely banned. Bees collect pollen in the hairs lining the legs. That same hair collects the insecticide dust and kills the colony.
Two years ago grasshoppers were eating my garden up. We use the simple insecticide Seven Dust on the plants.
Sadly, we realized to late we had killed off the local honey bees with that damned dust. American's need to be educated on what they can and can not use and when to use it.
The bees have since returned, but not in the numbers they were here before. We have never used the Seven Dust again and never will. Some products need to be completely banned. Bees collect pollen in the hairs lining the legs. That same hair collects the insecticide dust and kills the colony.