Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I certainly believe that hell is real. There are many different ways to define hell.
For example, hell is the spiritual dimension that those in a tortured and dysfunctional state of mind, heart and spirit experience.
The person who deceives others all his life, and ignores the pain and conflict within his own mind is in hell. The murderer who is driven by evil heart to murder and inflict suffering on others is in hell.
Hell is not some other dimension where people are materially transported following death.
Moreover, there are almost infinite gradations of the internal spiritual state. The truth about the spirit world is that there is not a matter of Heaven vs Hell, but that there are myriad degrees in the quality of the spiritual environment a person experiences. Whether one is alive or dead physically does not change the nature of that environment.
People can use truth or half-truths to manipulate others. Or not.
One can inform someone that drinking a particular poison will cause them great physical suffering and agony, and potentially result in death. A healer or physician may do this to guide a patient. Another person may share that information in order to control, manipulate or frighten them.
The fact is neutral, the purpose for sharing, potentially not so.
The accurate concept of hell is that there are consequences to choices one makes. That there are spiritual laws, just as there are physical laws (such as the laws of chemistry, or biology, which are what a doctor explaining about a poison is articulating). Violating spiritual laws has consequences.
If you lie, deceive, violate others, if you are dishonest, malicious, etc, these actions have direct and natural consequences for the spirit, and the mind. Natural consequences. The more you do it, the greater the damage to your heart/mind/spirit, and ultimately, you could end up putting yourself into a state where none of your natural or original nature functions correctly or properly.
Just as a poison can damage and destroy the functioning of the physical body, causing pain, suffering or death, likewise, violating spiritual laws results in spiritual toxins that attack and affect the spiritual body (which is the mind) and cause all sorts of suffering, dysfunction and so forth.
So yeah, hell is real. But that doesn't mean that all historical concepts of hell are perfect, accurate or not mistaken.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I certainly believe that hell is real. There are many different ways to define hell.
For example, hell is the spiritual dimension that those in a tortured and dysfunctional state of mind, heart and spirit experience.
The person who deceives others all his life, and ignores the pain and conflict within his own mind is in hell. The murderer who is driven by evil heart to murder and inflict suffering on others is in hell.
Hell is not some other dimension where people are materially transported following death.
Moreover, there are almost infinite gradations of the internal spiritual state. The truth about the spirit world is that there is not a matter of Heaven vs Hell, but that there are myriad degrees in the quality of the spiritual environment a person experiences. Whether one is alive or dead physically does not change the nature of that environment.
People can use truth or half-truths to manipulate others. Or not.
One can inform someone that drinking a particular poison will cause them great physical suffering and agony, and potentially result in death. A healer or physician may do this to guide a patient. Another person may share that information in order to control, manipulate or frighten them.
The fact is neutral, the purpose for sharing, potentially not so.
The accurate concept of hell is that there are consequences to choices one makes. That there are spiritual laws, just as there are physical laws (such as the laws of chemistry, or biology, which are what a doctor explaining about a poison is articulating). Violating spiritual laws has consequences.
Just as a poison can damage and destroy the functioning of the physical body, causing pain, suffering or death, likewise, violating spiritual laws results in spiritual toxins that attack and affect the spiritual body (which is the mind) and cause all sorts of suffering, dysfunction and so forth.
So yeah, hell is real. But that doesn't mean that all historical concepts of hell are perfect, accurate or not mistaken.