Nice article , well written , so happy for Rosemary , the last sentence said it all .. how true ,, the fruit of your rewards ! Spend time now or pay a heavy price later ! My kids are grown, I did do quite a few years of homeschooling, mixed with some private and some public years ! I'd never put my kids in public school now a days, as horrible as it sounds , I'd keep them home even if it meant they learned mostly from life experiences ! Reading a book would teach a child more than sitting in classrooms, even if you had to put them in school for the first few years to get the basics and then pull them out ! After second or third grade they are are learning nothing but lies and evil ! Well they are learning nothing but horror in those grades as well, but get the foundation in the first couple years and than keep them home ! At least here in Cali it's a disgrace ! I signed medical waivers because I wouldn't vaxx my kids but you can't do that anymore, so that's a problem too with school!
Nice article , well written , so happy for Rosemary , the last sentence said it all .. how true ,, the fruit of your rewards ! Spend time now or pay a heavy price later ! My kids are grown I did do quite a few years of homeschooling, mixed with some private and some public years ! I'd never put my kids in public school now a days, as horrible as it sounds , I'd keep them home even if it meant they learned mostly from life experiences ! Reading a book would probably teach a child more than sitting in classrooms, even if you had to put them in school for the first few years to get the basics and then pull them out ! After second or third grade they are are learning nothing but lies and evil ! At least here in Cali !