Reason: None provided.
It must be painful to the soul when you realize, "nobody wants you" and "nobody cares" the demise that awaits her, (vaxed and boosted) may be the most compassionate act of kindness she has ever experienced.
The real crime, as prescious as life is, she chose to squander Gods greatest gift, in the delusions of the devil's deception.
2 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original
It must be painful to the soul when you realize, "nobody wants you" and "nobody cares" the demise that awaits her, (vaxed and boosted) may be most compassionate act of kindness she has ever experienced.
The real crime, as prescious as life is, she chose to squander Gods greatest gift, in the delusions of the devil's deception.
2 years ago
1 score