according to a report by Human Rights Watch
(((Human Rights Watch)))
Founded and Directed by the tribe.
Did you know the world's largest refugee relocation foundations are all also run by Jews?
Thank goodness for Jews - whenever there's a problem, Jews are all over it like Oprah on a glazed ham... ready to help us spend our money to bring 3rd world refugees only into white countries by the millions.
according to a report by Human Rights Watch
(((Human Rights Watch)))
Founded and Directed by the tribe.
Did you know the world's largest refugee relocation foundations are all also run by Jews?
Thank goodness for Jews - whenever there's a problem, Jews are all over it like Oprah on a glazed ham... ready to help us spend our money to bring 3rd world refugees into our countries by the millions.
according to a report by Human Rights Watch
(((Human Rights Watch)))
Founded and Directed by the tribe.