J'accuse Niels Bohr. He assembled a team of physicists to steal Einstein's annus mirabilis in the name of Nihilism. Within a couple decades Richard Feynman had seen the path by defining reality as nonreality and thus we have "probability clouds" and "multiverses", which are unobservable and do not exist as such. Feynman had the right math and Einstein knew it, but he had the wrong description. For instance, "quantum theory" is really about the denial of quanta or granulation because everything becomes probability rather than reality. Schrodinger's cat could see through this facade, every other day, which is why Schrodinger was Einstein's best bud in that movie IQ.
Everything Bohr came up with Einstein objected to. Dirac and Fermi, who were much better men, likewise, could never answer Einstein. IIRC Einstein still has one or two objections standing that nobody has answered. He predicted Bose-Einstein condensate, which ought to be mainstream science due to its T2 and transhuman potential, but nobody understands it and it's an unsolved problem. Instead everybody's plugging the literally incomputable Feynman clouds into their computers and running models instead of thinking and equating. This means that they can burn CD's (lots of money in that) but they can't bother to build flying cars like Steve Saint did (too much power to the consumer). Quantum physics has been a disaster, separating people into a vast laity and a smeared priesthood that can write sci-fi as peer review and not be held to proving anything.
All that's from memory. If I pulled out my sources I'd give you the public players. If the anons spotted the Morgan, Carnegie, Ford, Schiff funding then we'd have even more. But most certainly the birth of quantum physics and the standard model was a controlled burn of scientific knowledge with the useful stuff left in the hands of an ivory tower elite. Then they can lie and say c stands for constant when they know it was first used in German where the word is Konstant: c stands for celerity, from Latin celeritas, speed. That's just one of many textbook rewrites I could name, an aperitif (there's a universe to consume before the apres-ski).
After they couldn't shut Einstein up they fed him politics in hopes he'd invalidate himself, but he was too smart for that to do much good. They shuttled him into The Bomb but somehow humanity survived that and still survives. You might look into Mileva, she was smart enough that she could help him ground everything in secondary witness, but somehow she got left behind. She probably wrote some of it but they deliberately let all the credit go to bumbling Al, the backward guy who constantly lost keys and paychecks as Paul Harvey said. Where's Mileva?
When you bring in Tesla, which I haven't looked as much into, and ask who is carrying on his legacy (some African-American who shows up on one-item rich lists), you'll see there's been still leeway to house the mad scientists of the meantime and get the real research continued. But the masses must be fed Picard and Solo and occasional tech articles that say everything wrong. At least Hawking was honest about time travel, but he always had his interpreters to blind the rest (and how does one contract ALS?). See, the other realm also follows natural law, but is occupied by forces that cloak their presence and there is a natural affinity for closed minds to accept closed universes. The alpha point, the black hole, and the omega point at infinity show that the universe does like singularities after all, and our tech singularity will be increasing sheeple to 99.9% and ignorant elite to .1%, to the nearest mill, such that those other forces increase in liberty. The problem with this is that light, which is truth, shines even when the enemy is 100.0% victorious, and the reason is that you can't win every quantum due to the pigeonhole principle. We're not a cloud. One word of truth.
J'accuse Niels Bohr. He assembled a team of physicists to steal Einstein's annis mirabilis in the name of Nihilism. Within a couple decades Richard Feynman had seen the path by defining reality as nonreality and thus we have "probability clouds" and "multiverses", which are unobservable and do not exist as such. Feynman had the right math and Einstein knew it, but he had the wrong description. For instance, "quantum theory" is really about the denial of quanta or granulation because everything becomes probability rather than reality. Schrodinger's cat could see through this facade, every other day, which is why Schrodinger was Einstein's best bud in that movie IQ.
Everything Bohr came up with Einstein objected to. Dirac and Fermi, who were much better men, likewise, could never answer Einstein. IIRC Einstein still has one or two objections standing that nobody has answered. He predicted Bose-Einstein condensate, which ought to be mainstream science due to its T2 and transhuman potential, but nobody understands it and it's an unsolved problem. Instead everybody's plugging the literally incomputable Feynman clouds into their computers and running models instead of thinking and equating. This means that they can burn CD's (lots of money in that) but they can't bother to build flying cars like Steve Saint did (too much power to the consumer). Quantum physics has been a disaster, separating people into a vast laity and a smeared priesthood that can write sci-fi as peer review and not be held to proving anything.
All that's from memory. If I pulled out my sources I'd give you the public players. If the anons spotted the Morgan, Carnegie, Ford, Schiff funding then we'd have even more. But most certainly the birth of quantum physics and the standard model was a controlled burn of scientific knowledge with the useful stuff left in the hands of an ivory tower elite. Then they can lie and say c stands for constant when they know it was first used in German where the word is Konstant: c stands for celerity, from Latin celeritas, speed. That's just one of many textbook rewrites I could name, an aperitif (there's a universe to consume before the apres-ski).
After they couldn't shut Einstein up they fed him politics in hopes he'd invalidate himself, but he was too smart for that to do much good. They shuttled him into The Bomb but somehow humanity survived that and still survives. You might look into Mileva, she was smart enough that she could help him ground everything in secondary witness, but somehow she got left behind. She probably wrote some of it but they deliberately let all the credit go to bumbling Al, the backward guy who constantly lost keys and paychecks as Paul Harvey said. Where's Mileva?
When you bring in Tesla, which I haven't looked as much into, and ask who is carrying on his legacy (some African-American who shows up on one-item rich lists), you'll see there's been still leeway to house the mad scientists of the meantime and get the real research continued. But the masses must be fed Picard and Solo and occasional tech articles that say everything wrong. At least Hawking was honest about time travel, but he always had his interpreters to blind the rest (and how does one contract ALS?). See, the other realm also follows natural law, but is occupied by forces that cloak their presence and there is a natural affinity for closed minds to accept closed universes. The alpha point, the black hole, and the omega point at infinity show that the universe does like singularities after all, and our tech singularity will be increasing sheeple to 99.9% and ignorant elite to .1%, to the nearest mill, such that those other forces increase in liberty. The problem with this is that light, which is truth, shines even when the enemy is 100.0% victorious, and the reason is that you can't win every quantum due to the pigeonhole principle. We're not a cloud. One word of truth.