Honestly, I could see this going both ways.
The left AND right (sadly) have bought into Putin being Hitler 2.0.
However I think the country’s appetite for another war is weak. At best, we’re willing to fund a proxy war.
So, this could well be a distraction to stop the escalation, or just as easily be a distraction to turn the proxy war into a real war. But would that even work?
De-escalation probably makes more sense. But I can’t shake this feeling that the timing here is more bad than good.
I do know that if we had ANY proper opposition from the normie right, we’d be seeing the right get ahead of this by emphasizing the number of lives - particularly minority lives - that this ruling would save.
But we don’t, because the right is a lie, and once again we’re seeing that there is only Trump / Q vs the elites.
Honestly, I could see this going both ways.
The left AND right (sadly) have bought into Putin being Hitler 2.0.
However I think the country’s appetite for another war is weak. At best, we’re willing to fund a proxy war.
So, this could well be a distraction to stop the escalation, or just as easily be a distraction to turn the proxy war into a real war. But would that even work?
De-escalation probably makes more sense. But I can’t shake this feeling that the timing here is more bad than good.
I do know that if we had ANY proper opposition from the normie right, we’d be seeing the right get ahead of this by emphasizing the number of lives - particularly minority lives - that this ruling would save.
But we don’t, because the right is a lie, and once again there is only Trump / Q vs the elites.
Honestly, I could see this going both ways.
The left AND right (sadly) have bought into Putin being Hitler 2.0.
However I think the country’s appetite for another war is weak. At best, we’re willing to fund a proxy war.
So, this could well be a distraction to stop the escalation, or just as easily be a distraction to turn the proxy war into a real war. But would that even work?
De-escalation probably makes more sense. But I can’t shake this feeling that the timing here is more bad than good. (Disclaimer: I’ve always had mixed feelings about Roe v Wade and it’s conclusion, but ultimately feel life begins before viability outside the womb and should be protected).
I do know that if we had ANY proper opposition from the normie right, we’d be seeing the right get ahead of this by emphasizing the number of lives - particularly minority lives - that this ruling would save.
But we don’t, because the right is a lie, and once again there is only Trump / Q vs the elites.