Seller's market. And my neighbor who is in construction is making money hand over fist! It is crazy-town right now! Company's like Zillow are practically cruising neighborhoods for properties to gobble up. There are a couple particular types of properties I would buy as many of as I could if I was out their looking to buy. Not necessarily the kind zillow is grabbing. But doesn't it all feel strange? Some of this does not add up considering the doomsday economy talk, but what happens if we relatively suddenly revert back the the gold standard. How will that affect the value of RE purchased now? Don't make me feel stupid.....
Seller's market. It is crazy-town right now! Company's like Zillow are practically cruising neighborhoods for properties to gobble up. There are a couple particular types of properties I would buy as many of as I could if I was out their looking to buy. Not necessarily the kind zillow is grabbing. But doesn't it all feel strange? Some of this does not add up considering the doomsday economy talk, but what happens if we relatively suddenly revert back the the gold standard. How will that affect the value of RE purchased now? Don't make me feel stupid.....
Seller's market. It is crazy-town right now! Company's like Zillow are practically cruising neighborhoods for properties to gobble up. There are a couple particular types of properties I would buy as many of as I could if I was out their looking to buy. Not necessarily the kind zillow is grabbing.